Title: The Big Baseball Thread Post by: The Great Kha on July 22, 2014, 01:28:31 pm Can discuss baseball of all kinds, but focused on MLB here.
Not too many games left in the season. There's a lot of close races, especially in the Real Baseball league. Who here has a team they follow? This could be a really exciting year for the division races. Title: Re: The Big Baseball Thread Post by: stemcider on July 22, 2014, 01:29:14 pm **** yeah Giants!
(Also, go A's!) Title: Re: The Big Baseball Thread Post by: Calandale on July 22, 2014, 01:30:36 pm Used to be a Yankees fan. Gave up for decades in Buffalo - but location made
all the difference. When I was back at my folks for a second undergrad degree, I ended up starting to follow them again. And - as soon as I moved out on my own, I lost all interest again. Only sport I ever was interested in. Title: Re: The Big Baseball Thread Post by: stemcider on July 22, 2014, 01:33:01 pm Only sport I ever was interested in. That's because its the best sport. I have noticed that boardgamers tend to like baseball more than other sports. Of course, this could only apply to the local gamers here. Title: Re: The Big Baseball Thread Post by: anarchy on July 22, 2014, 01:46:02 pm <--- Fairly lazy Angels fan. Too bad tickets are expensive for a family of four. I haven't been to a game in years and prefer a live game to TV.
Title: Re: The Big Baseball Thread Post by: Calandale on July 22, 2014, 04:42:04 pm Here's the bat you'd need for the ball referenced in this thread:
(http://www.funpeak.com/funnypics/huge-baseball-club.jpg) Title: Re: The Big Baseball Thread Post by: stemcider on July 22, 2014, 06:01:31 pm And here's the glove
(http://image.funscrape.com/images/b/big_baseball_glove-12406.jpg) Title: Re: The Big Baseball Thread Post by: LuckyDiceRolls on July 22, 2014, 06:17:40 pm being from philly I follow the phillies when theyre having a good season
not so much this year though Title: Re: The Big Baseball Thread Post by: The Great Kha on July 22, 2014, 07:06:26 pm Only sport I ever was interested in. That's because its the best sport. I have noticed that boardgamers tend to like baseball more than other sports. Of course, this could only apply to the local gamers here. People who play cRPGs often like it as well. It's because it's a stat driven, turn based game that's more mental than physical. Title: Re: The Big Baseball Thread Post by: rstites25 on July 22, 2014, 07:11:15 pm Long suffering Royals fan. My first memories of following baseball were somewhere around '87-'88--or basically right after the last time the Royals were good.
Thought this might be the year that they'd finally return to the playoffs, but that hope is fading fast. Title: Re: The Big Baseball Thread Post by: Calandale on July 22, 2014, 07:42:21 pm Only sport I ever was interested in. That's because its the best sport. I have noticed that boardgamers tend to like baseball more than other sports. Of course, this could only apply to the local gamers here. People who play cRPGs often like it as well. It's because it's a stat driven, turn based game that's more mental than physical. Collectible Role Playing Games???? Title: Re: The Big Baseball Thread Post by: anarchy on July 22, 2014, 07:58:28 pm Only sport I ever was interested in. That's because its the best sport. I have noticed that boardgamers tend to like baseball more than other sports. Of course, this could only apply to the local gamers here. People who play cRPGs often like it as well. It's because it's a stat driven, turn based game that's more mental than physical. Collectible Role Playing Games???? Computer Role Playing Games. Title: Re: The Big Baseball Thread Post by: The Great Kha on July 22, 2014, 08:12:26 pm What he said.
Title: Re: The Big Baseball Thread Post by: Calandale on July 22, 2014, 09:04:31 pm Not sure why I didn't think of that.
Maybe because most places I've been, they're considered the standard these days. :-\ Well, that and the turn-based threw me off. Most of what I've played are more like 1st Person Shooters than anything else. Title: Re: The Big Baseball Thread Post by: The Great Kha on July 22, 2014, 09:10:44 pm Not sure why I didn't think of that. Maybe because most places I've been, they're considered the standard these days. :-\ Well, that and the turn-based threw me off. Most of what I've played are more like 1st Person Shooters than anything else. Meh, **** like Fallout 3 and Oblivious barely qualify as rpg's Title: Re: The Big Baseball Thread Post by: Calandale on July 22, 2014, 09:17:22 pm Not sure why I didn't think of that. Maybe because most places I've been, they're considered the standard these days. :-\ Well, that and the turn-based threw me off. Most of what I've played are more like 1st Person Shooters than anything else. Meh, **** like Fallout 3 and Oblivious barely qualify as rpg's They feel more true to the genre to me than say the old Fallout or Baldur's Gate did. Those felt like I was playing tactical games, rather than role playing ones. Title: Re: The Big Baseball Thread Post by: The Great Kha on July 22, 2014, 09:30:38 pm Not sure why I didn't think of that. Maybe because most places I've been, they're considered the standard these days. :-\ Well, that and the turn-based threw me off. Most of what I've played are more like 1st Person Shooters than anything else. Meh, **** like Fallout 3 and Oblivious barely qualify as rpg's I very much disagree about the original Fallout. The combat was hardly tactical and actually quite poor, what made Fallout rich was the C&C (choices and consequences), as well as the exploration and world building. They feel more true to the genre to me than say the old Fallout or Baldur's Gate did. Those felt like I was playing tactical games, rather than role playing ones. Title: Re: The Big Baseball Thread Post by: desertfoxleo on July 22, 2014, 09:45:13 pm Pirates fan here - been one since the 1970's. Last season was really sweet after 20 years of losing, and they're doing well again this season. Beating up on the Dodgers tonight, so tomorrow will be the rubber game of the series.
Title: Re: The Big Baseball Thread Post by: Rockhopper on July 22, 2014, 09:48:09 pm Life-long Orioles fan. Doing well, within the AL East at least, but the West is looking strong. We're drooping on a west coast swing through OAK and ANA.
Title: Re: The Big Baseball Thread Post by: anarchy on July 22, 2014, 09:49:32 pm They feel more true to the genre to me than say the old Fallout or Baldur's Gate did. Those felt like I was playing tactical games, rather than role playing ones. I cannot comment on BG, but the original Fallout 1: 1. Made character statistics meaningful. Try playing FO1 with an Intelligence of 3 or less. A high Luck opens so many more encounters. A high Charisma and Speech skill and you can bluff your way through the end boss. 2. Have multiple solutions to almost every problem. We used three character archetypes when designing: Combat Boy, Speech Boy and Stealth Boy. Every puzzle and encounter is solvable by at least two of those archetypes. 3. Make player decisions have consequences. Part of this was Brian Fargo telling the dev team MANY times about the boy and his dog in the early part of Wasteland. Part of this was we were purposely designing the game to be repayable and wanted it to play differently each time. Depth of gameplay over width of gameplay to use one of the terms bandied around during development. (The Fallout 2 team went for width and depth, but I actually think they went a little overboard in the size of that game. Of course, I'm partial to FO1.) This was the result of so many of us being GURPS fans. We actually held an in-company poll to decide which license to go after: World of Darkness, FASA's Earthdawn and GURPS. We of course voted for the one RPG that didn't have a strong setting, which was kind of a mistake. The game that turned into Fallout was going to be a Time Travel setting, but that was too expensive to develop. Then it was going to be a generic fantasy setting for a bit. Then a false fantasy game set on a sci-fi generation ship. (erm, rambling) What I'm trying to day is that Fallout has a very strong paper and pencil RPG background. Heck, the SPECIAL system was based on my home brew RPG system that I had been running for over 10 years (mechanics, not setting). Oh, and GO ANGELS! (Trying to stay on topic...) Title: Re: The Big Baseball Thread Post by: The Great Kha on July 22, 2014, 09:55:39 pm Pirates fan here - been one since the 1970's. Last season was really sweet after 20 years of losing, and they're doing well again this season. Beating up on the Dodgers tonight, so tomorrow will be the rubber game of the series. Thank you for beating the Dodgers. Title: Re: The Big Baseball Thread Post by: Foo Dog on July 22, 2014, 10:06:30 pm Grew up a Blue Jays fan and lived in Toronto during their fantastic run in the early 90s. I still like the Jays but watch more Mariners games now that I live in the Pacific Northwest.
I try to go to Nat Bailey stadium as often as I can to watch the Vancouver Canadians. I can't get enough baseball. Now excuse me as I sneak off to play Strat-o-Matic Baseball. :D Title: Re: The Big Baseball Thread Post by: Calandale on July 22, 2014, 10:18:03 pm ...Then a false fantasy game set on a sci-fi generation ship. (erm, rambling) Heh...I tried to get my old RPG group to go for this idea without knowing what they were getting into. Instead, they decided on Urchins of Baghdad (though the guy who suggested it said Merchants). Title: Re: The Big Baseball Thread Post by: NthPower on July 26, 2014, 01:32:00 am I grew up in Minnesota and have been a Twins fan since I was a little kid. And as expected, they are terrible this year.
Title: Re: The Big Baseball Thread Post by: Cazaril on July 26, 2014, 02:15:37 am I grew up in Minnesota and have been a Twins fan since I was a little kid. And as expected, they are terrible this year. That goes double for me - grew up in Minnesota, live in this state, probably going to grow old here (wait, I'm old already!). -Caz Title: Re: The Big Baseball Thread Post by: S Trauth on July 26, 2014, 08:38:58 am I used to be a Cub fan - but once the Hawks won after 49 years -I decided that if a team was so incompetent that they couldn't even reach playing for it all in over 50 odd years - let along go a century without winning it - then it was time for a 'divorce' - now they could go all 'Back to the Future' now - and I promise I would not care one bit. At least the White Sox won once in my lifetime... :D I guess that will have to do me. |