The Game Box

Gaming Stuff => Military Games => Topic started by: Calandale on July 22, 2014, 09:13:58 pm

Title: Napoleonics
Post by: Calandale on July 22, 2014, 09:13:58 pm
Dunno why, but much as the era interests the hell out of me, I seem to be unable to
find many games that really please me about it. I've had great fun with Empires in Arms,
but it's kinda worn out its welcome (especially opposed) by being so damned unrealistic.
War & Peace's dip rules don't work well - and the victory conditions are problematic with all
six players. Napoleonic Wars is too abstract - and goofy in three; it felt okay solo, but
maybe I was playing really poorly. I like Age of Napoleon, but want something meatier.

Zucker's Operational stuff never quite grabbed me. I felt too hampered - not willing to
DO anything. Though, I did like Napoleon at Bay well enough, I guess.

For tactical, NBS was good enough. But, The Gamers gave it up - just as it reached an
apex I didn't expect with v. 3.0. And there are so many major battles they didn't touch.
Ney vs. Wellington's cav zones and other rules were too cumbersome (yet I still bought
Wellington's Victory). Maybe I'll like La Bat; but after the BAR stuff, I've been less willing
to give it a shot. Mmm...there's some chit pull Berg stuff I need to try too.

It's almost as though I'm afraid to try the games I might like though. I did go out
and play the crappy Friedland from Eagles of Empire - maybe it was clear I'd dislike
that. Weird.

Title: Re: Napoleonics
Post by: usrlocal on July 22, 2014, 09:25:42 pm
'Age of Napoleon' has my attention. I'll be picking that up soon.

I'm also planning on falling down the La Bat rabbit hole before the summer is out. With or without BAR.

Title: Re: Napoleonics
Post by: usrlocal on July 22, 2014, 09:26:31 pm
But it really is a fascinating era. It's occupying most of my historical reading lately.

Title: Re: Napoleonics
Post by: kira1y on July 22, 2014, 09:27:49 pm
I'm semi-curious about the Incredible Courage ( stuff from Grognard Simulations, but haven't heard too much about the system one way or the other. I really love the La Bataille series, but I think you're right; if you don't like BAR, La Bataille probably won't be to your liking either.

Have you tried either of Bowen Simmons' Napoleonic games? I really liked Bonaparte at Marengo even if it gets almost chess like at times.

Title: Re: Napoleonics
Post by: anarchy on July 22, 2014, 09:35:04 pm
Have you tried either of Bowen Simmons' Napoleonic games? I really liked Bonaparte at Marengo even if it gets almost chess like at times.

BoM is different and in a good way. I enjoyed my couple plays even if I had no idea what I was doing. Usually it takes me a play to get the "how" and another play to start thinking of the "why". With BoM, I'm still working on the "wtf".

Title: Re: Napoleonics
Post by: Calandale on July 22, 2014, 10:12:22 pm
I'm semi-curious about the Incredible Courage ( stuff from Grognard Simulations, but haven't heard too much about the system one way or the other.

Me too. The designer/publisher buttonholed me at CSWExpo about doing a review,
but I think I warned him away. Gave my card, but also told him to watch to be sure
of what he was getting into.

I really love the La Bataille series, but I think you're right; if you don't like BAR, La Bataille probably won't be to your liking either.

I have one or two old ones. Figure I'll try them out before making any mistakes.

Have you tried either of Bowen Simmons' Napoleonic games? I really liked Bonaparte at Marengo even if it gets almost chess like at times.

Everything I've heard about it makes me shy away. I did pick up his/her/its Thunder at Lutzen game,
to see if there's anything interesting there.

Title: Re: Napoleonics
Post by: Sluggonics on July 22, 2014, 10:31:37 pm
What about the AWE Napoleonic games?  They did one on Friedland and one on something else didn't they?

Title: Re: Napoleonics
Post by: Calandale on July 22, 2014, 10:47:46 pm
I have the Friedland one. It looks like a watered down NBS type of design.

Title: Re: Napoleonics
Post by: Calandale on July 27, 2014, 05:17:37 am
New thread: