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General Category / Fuck it all / Re: Religion
on: July 26, 2014, 12:22:55 pm
Lots of skip over in this thread.
One of the things I see a lot is people viewing specific religions based on the actions of a few people who say they are part of that religion or getting their view of particular religions from media sources which have biased agendas because they are being edited and presented via likewise generated points of view.
More likely than not, the people are the problem and not the religion.
People like to impose their views on others. Just look at those home associations. Same sorta stuff.
In many cases the religion is not the problem, but people acting badly towards others and using religion as some sort of reason to do it, which in the end isn't even what their religion teaches, is the problem.
Gaming Stuff / Military Games / Re: Is War of the Ring (2nd ed) a wargame or euro?
on: July 25, 2014, 04:51:35 pm
It is definitely not a chit style wargame, but like you say has military mechanics with battles and sieges. I think the hunt/FSP location mechanism is pretty good for what it is trying to mimic.
Overall it is a pretty great game with the event cards/battle cards choices, hunt part, companions and battles/sieges. A lot of nuances in top play.
Gaming Stuff / General Gaming Discussion / Re: Gaming slump
on: July 25, 2014, 04:05:40 pm
Sometimes I get into the 'wishing for the old days' with the college crew that played the same game over and over to figure out best strategies and compete against one another or find out that a game is "broken" after a single superior strategy is found.
With all the games being published nowadays and people buying them it seems more often than not we are playing the "new game game" over and over again, just learning new game rules and playing a game once or twice then on to another one.
I guess I like the competitive side of a game with a group of equal opponents trying to get that sliver of advantage to build into a win.
Gaming Stuff / General Gaming Discussion / Does randomization method equate to games you like?
on: July 25, 2014, 03:57:44 pm
I seem to feel that what mechanism is used for a game's randomization will drive a person to liking it or not. Possibly at a subconscious level.
Not sure what others think. Overall, if you look at all the games you like, do you notice a pattern in the type of randomization that is used in the games you like and the ones you don't?
ie. Is it dice, or CRT's. or cards, or tile draws, or cube draws, or bidding, or worker placement games, or no random factor.
Gaming Stuff / Economic Games / Re: 18xx for newbies
on: July 25, 2014, 03:13:26 pm
| is a good java 18xx online version. Useful for multiple people playing over the internet, though no AI at this point. Supports playing 1830, 18Kaas, 1889, 1856, 18AL, 1851, 18EU, 18TN, 18GA, 1835 and 1880, with more under development.