I could be wrong but I think Enricos and my posts on BGG ( with the help of Michael (the Troll) Dorass) may have brought a few gawkers over from BGG. I hope they like what they see and stay.
OCS. You cannot move and attack with all of your units every turn (far from it). To launch offensives you must first build up. You get the real feel of operational combat. A flurry of intense action followed by pauses. You must set up a supply network. While artillery use is maybe its weak point it really shines overall. The designers made a conscious decision not to differentiate between supply types (ammo, gas) for playability reasons.
Just checked out Bill and Enrico's latest posts on the 'World War One Gamers' thread, and of course they were followed by a typically obnoxious self-righteous post from good ol' Mickey Dee. Yeah, I don't miss it.
If anything ever deserved the red X bomb its this post of Doroshes
Just checked out Bill and Enrico's latest posts on the 'World War One Gamers' thread, and of course they were followed by a typically obnoxious self-righteous post from good ol' Mickey Dee. Yeah, I don't miss it.
I still have to get to those 1914 games. Was a little turned off by all of the rule updates they were still going on about when the game first came out.
How does it play out of the box, Bill?
I've been playing awhile and we're on turn 6. Still unsure how I feel about it. I definitely have more fun with Der Weltkrieg.
I just finished doing a 7 day ban. I can do 7 days standing on my head! Honestly didn't miss BGG. Home of trolls, sockpuppets and the like. Enough scumbags over there that suck all of the enjoyment out of the place. Lets not forget Triple M Moron. It was great back in the day. Wilhammer, usrlocal, kiraly, Capt.S, Gilligan, Maryann, the Skipper.................................