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61  Gaming Stuff / Military Games / Re: Der Weltkrieg on: July 20, 2014, 09:25:31 pm

If you took away the OOB and replaced it with generic strength points it would ruin the game. If you don't like rotating units in and out of the line (completely historical) than maybe WW1 operations aren't for you.

Not sure what it would remove other than the bother. I had very few circumstances where
I couldn't get things balanced the way I wanted. I suppose some story is lost, if you don't
know that that's the 3/34/II or something, but honestly, all the fiddling made the story
largely disappear anyhow. Only when I backed up and looked from on high did I get a
good view of what was going on.

It's completely historical to track water, fuel, different types of ammo, spare parts, ect.
But I sure wouldn't want to play it.

The entire story would be lost. No one would even buy it.
62  Gaming Stuff / General Gaming Discussion / Re: Best Music for Wargames?! on: July 20, 2014, 08:53:49 pm
Loud metal or Punk!!   Cool
63  Gaming Stuff / Military Games / Re: Is "The Dark Valley broken? on: July 20, 2014, 08:51:36 pm
I've fiddled with the rules a bit, but this makes me concerned.  I'm surprised there's no "overrun" or breakthrough rules that allow you knock big chinks into that armor.  Incidentally, they spend A LOT of time in the rulebook talking about encirclement, but it appears that you were able to create a contiguous front.  Is that a specific scenario you're playing or is it really that hard for the Germans to encircle the Russians in this game?

This is the start of Barbarossa. The Russians can do this every time if played correctly. We've watched quite a few newbies play the Russians and they generally form a single line and run away when the Germans punch through it.  If the Russian defends in depth and plays smart the Germans will be in for a world of hurt.
64  Gaming Stuff / Military Games / Re: Der Weltkrieg on: July 20, 2014, 08:46:53 pm
Ok, so I have a specific criticism to it - the specific unit counters end
up making the game far more difficult to play than a pure strength point
system would be, with little added information. At least on the Western
Front, I'm spending most of my effort pulling units off the line and then
trying to rebalance everything. Terrible? No. But it does degrade the experience
for me greatly.

And yes, the maps are jarringly disturbing. I get used to them, and so long
as I don't get too close, they're no worse than WiF's, but that's not a great standard.

A buddy of mine made claims (also with regard to the Schlieffen scenario) that the whole
Belgian invasion cannot proceed historically (fortress being too strong I think), but I can't
speak to that. Overall, I didn't find any historical glaring issues in my one play.

If you took away the OOB and replaced it with generic strength points it would ruin the game. If you don't like rotating units in and out of the line (completely historical) than maybe WW1 operations aren't for you.
65  Gaming Stuff / Military Games / Re: Is "The Dark Valley broken? on: July 20, 2014, 04:44:32 pm
So is the sponge defense just laying out the Russians so they're two-three hexes deep all along the line?

Basically. Defense in depth. Only stack where you can get defensive benefits against Luftwaffe attacks (for the most part).
66  Gaming Stuff / Military Games / Re: Is "The Dark Valley broken? on: July 20, 2014, 03:12:49 pm
67  General Category / Site Direction / Format here makes me long for that ultra modern Consimworld site on: July 20, 2014, 02:58:52 pm
I don't mind to much but any of you here that bitched about CSW over on BGG.............................. Grin
68  Gaming Stuff / Military Games / Re: Is "The Dark Valley broken? on: July 20, 2014, 02:43:52 pm
The sponge defense. Unbeatable. This is the end of turn 2. Never seen a German player last more than 4 or 5 turns against this.\
The ability to post images here completely eludes me. Every other site I've ever used (lots!) allows you to browse and upload images.
69  Gaming Stuff / Military Games / Re: Der Weltkrieg on: July 20, 2014, 02:06:15 pm
Der Weltkrieg is an excellent series. There is nothing else out there to compare it with on WW1. I find the rules to be moderately complex and easy to learn. The rule books have been refined over the years and are pretty tight.  The only issues I'm aware of are mostly in the Grand Campaign and again mostly on fairly obscure issues. The game itself its pretty easy to learn and to jump right in and play. Solid design!
70  General Category / Site Direction / Re: Mike Dorrish on: July 20, 2014, 11:48:49 am
Dorosh is here? Hey Mike how 'bout some toe to toe nuclear combat??    Grin
71  General Category / Fuck it all / Re: Hatin' on BGG on: July 20, 2014, 11:05:33 am
I don't hate BGG. Its the protector of trolls and sockpuppets. It allows them to flower and flourish. Without BGG they'd be lost in world of kindness!  Grin
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