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General Category / Fuck it all / Re: what are the best rules for modern LOGISTICS which you have used?
on: July 26, 2014, 07:53:02 am
see, thats exactly what I am talking about... with rules that specific, wheres the 'fun' of playing? too much specificity quickly burdens the game with overwhelming calculations which must be made and which add nothing to the enjoyment of the game
by the way, thank you very kindly for copying out all those rules for me. I got a great idea of how it works in that game from the section you posted
however, I think those rules are crap. pure crap. one would need a secretary with good maths skills to be effective at that game
one cannot simultanteously conduct a fluid battle plan while making those kinds of calculations each turn
no, the scale of the logistics problem was all screwed up. while its great to have trucks strung out along the routes, zipping back and forth with the needed supplies, one does not need to know exactly how many gas points, for example, each one of your combat units needs. a rough guide to supplies and consumption would make the game flow much better, while still considering the importance of logistics.
what I had in mind for my own game was much simpler: for each tank on the move, two supply trucks must be in constant rotation between supply depots and the front line.
this may be an oversimplification but it allows for supplies to be an integral part of the game without creating more homework to be done each turn
that is just the idea. sure, you could make this much more complex but wheres the gaming fun in that?
now when it comes to the missiles, each missile type would need its own supply lines and trucks and each supply truck must be marked on the map each turn. but theres no need to keep track of exactly how many missiles would be on the truck. that would weigh the game down
Gaming Stuff / General Gaming Discussion / Re: Designer Notes
on: July 26, 2014, 07:38:59 am
I am designing wargames
Im afraid the last thing I care about is how Ill get it printed when Im done
this may be an oversight on my part but I am far more concerned with the level of specificity in my game and how well it actually plays
I am thinking about publishing someday, but right now I have a lot more work to do on the rules themselves; figuring out what should be included, what needs to be edited to preserve fluid game mechanics, and what can be added without stretching out the overwhelming nature of modern warfare
in the **** it all section I posted a thread about logistics, which has quickly devolved into a discussion of the most tedious aspect of game design, namely, that rules which are specific usually become quite detrimental to the 'fun' aspect of a game
striking a middleground in this dichotomy is not easy, and requires much soul searching and talking to fellow wargamers
General Category / Fuck it all / Re: what are the best rules for modern LOGISTICS which you have used?
on: July 25, 2014, 05:23:48 pm
that is really just an excellent reply - TYVM! very specific and now I know what the other systems care about in logistics yes, that TDF must be TDF indeed! isnt that the one I saw you with the board laid out on about four tables at once, spread all over the room? was this to represent all of the north african coast, for rommel's charge across the continent? yes, I imagine supply rules would be essential for a good game on that subject VIG! I really like how supplies are just labelled as generic supplies How TTP! in my own games, trucks are loaded with specific weapons one gets blown up, no more, say, SAMs! I think thats PDC! of course, with such a scale as rommels pursuits, thats pretty impossible youd need a computer assistant to keep track of it all, which wouldnt be fun at all now when you say, you have to set up supply depots and nets of trucks, do you actually have to keep moving them around, or just maintain a certain number of trucks on the route? YMO?
General Category / Fuck it all / what are the best rules for modern LOGISTICS which you have used?
on: July 25, 2014, 10:58:59 am
I am fascinated by the problem of logistics in my modern military simulations I have over the years been developing my own informal rules for dealing with: how to supply units with essentials what happens if supply lines are cut how much of an effect on firing a supply line cut would have how to get the ammunition to the firing units without disrupting firing where and when supply trucks would make deliveries to units and other assorted details of logistics
I was wondering if any of you have any thoughts on these issues, or have come across excellent rules on logistics in modern armored warfare games
please do not simply tell me the name of a game which has good logistics rules... I cannot afford anything like new games right now
General Category / Fuck it all / Re: Nuts
on: July 25, 2014, 10:53:09 am
its really great to meet a fellow vegetarian wargamer! cheers to you mate! I do not, however, eat much nuts and seeds they get stuck in my teeth I usually get protein from tofu or beans and rice sometimes, though, I bake granola bars with sunflower seeds in them
Gaming Stuff / General Gaming Discussion / Re: Gaming slump
on: July 25, 2014, 10:47:25 am
I feel the same way sometimes, and I do not have adhd or add may I make some suggestions, in order of relevance: 1. take a nice hike. nothing puts things in perspective like hiking 2. design your OWN game. do the research and make the little pieces yourself 3. only you know if you are suffering from add. most people with add learn how to overcome most of their symptoms by college-age. if you feel that you have not learned how to deal with symptoms of add or adhd, you should see a behavior-based therapist to help you devise a scheme to deal with the attention problems. if you do not want anyone else to help, a good place to start would be david burns book "feeling good' which is an excellent guide to cognitive therapy and learning to solve your own mental and behavioral problems. Ive used it, to great success good luck