thanks for all these movies to search for I am surprised that nobody has yet mentioned my own personal favorite war movie yet thats the one that started me off on naval wargames
I think we would have noticed if the war in Dr. Strangelove had really occurred and I dont think a movie has to be about a real, historic war in order to be a 'war movie' a war movie just has to describe the battles, show something about the tactics used or the strategy, and show how the battle turns out, in order to be a war movie what about "Star Wars" the original, back in 1976? would you say that that was a war movie? cuz I would, sure.
well its not really limited to any kind of models, no. I guess I was just wondering about how you guys bought your pieces. you see, I am kinda stuck in the eighties I have hundreds of GHQ and C-in-C modern armored vehicles from the 80's, when I had excess money to buy toys, and I have not bought ANY wargame supplies since then but in answer to your question, I was most interested in the armored vehicles
assuming AH stands for avalon hill and youre not just letting one off my all time favorite avalon hill games were Blitzkrieg and the russian campaign
clean and simple, with a good focus on tactics, not too long to finish a game either at least not compared with the miniature games Ive been into lately
sorry to display my ignorance once again but what IS a 'euro-game'? I know they come from Europe but what do they have in common? are there certain themes to euro-games?
that is really excellent. I love watching kids learn how to play chess I was a chess counselor at three different summer camps in my day and I also enjoy teaching chess around the end of each schoolyear, when there is little to do other than game Ive also taught them very simple wargames, which usually go over very well with the boys at least
just want to say that poor old Howard Phillip Lovecraft would probably be rolling around in his uncomfortable and damp grave at swan point cemetary if he knew what has happened to all his lovely characters
and thank you for clarifying your position, sparty
thanks for the answers. very interesting I've melted lead before and know the dangers of breathing in those toxic fumes I can easily imagine the makers of die cast wargame pieces wanting to avoid lead altogether but there was a time, long ago, when many kids would make their own army dudes from lead