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76  Gaming Stuff / Other Games / Re: Chess on: July 12, 2014, 07:55:48 am
sorry to display my ignorance of your terms, but I assume the PB in PBF stands for 'play by' but have no clue what the final F would mean.
and what is BGG?
no, I'm afraid I never served in the military.  sometimes I wish I had joined the navy when I was younger, it might have given me confidence and pursuitude so sorely lacking in my life
were you?
77  Gaming Stuff / Abstract Games / Re: Trivia games, word games, party games? on: July 12, 2014, 07:44:16 am
well are we supposed to play word games here or just talk about them?
78  Gaming Stuff / Military Games / Re: Fleet Series on: July 12, 2014, 07:43:12 am
that really sounds like a good game system sparty
can I ask, what is it about the game mechanics that makes this such a good game?
I happen to like the original harpoon game, and do not like the computerized (free) version
79  General Category / Fuck it all / Re: when pets attack the wargame boards... on: July 12, 2014, 07:40:37 am
yes from what I understand a maine coon cat could easily take out a pair of ducks

that was a humorous story, thank you for sharing

and yes, I think youre right... dogs ARE the way to go

you can wrassle them and they love to hike and they show respect to your games

80  General Category / Fuck it all / Re: when pets attack the wargame boards... on: July 11, 2014, 10:49:13 am
wow so youre saying that you would actually have a cat killed simply because he or she wanders up on your game?

thats pretty sick dude, hope youre joking around
81  Gaming Stuff / Other Games / Re: Chess on: July 11, 2014, 09:25:33 am
very interesting.  so the middle level is here on earth, and on the upper and lwer levels were forces representing heaven and hell's battles at the same time?
by the way, who is your profile picture of?  he looks familiar from some old war movie but I cant place the face
82  General Category / Fuck it all / when pets attack the wargame boards... on: July 11, 2014, 09:22:57 am
Ive never heard of dogs who
ruin a nice wargame but cats have a different attitude towards table tops

does anyone here besides myself have any funny stories of pets who ruin wargames?

I had a siamese cat once who seemed to delight in waiting for the worst possible moment in a wargame to jump up onto the table, scattering T-72's and BMP's everywhere, knocking out entire companies of mechanized forces just about to jump into the fray.
83  Gaming Stuff / Military Games / Re: the advantages of creating wargame boards from layers of cardboard on: July 11, 2014, 09:16:54 am
thanks dude, it was fun making that first board
here is a picture of it when it was finished, except for the houses

84  Gaming Stuff / Abstract Games / Re: Is Chess an Abstract Game? Is Go? on: July 11, 2014, 09:12:48 am
well of course chess is a wargame, palin and simple
chess represents how wars were fought during the medieval periods, with the slow marching pawns as foot soldiers and the queen representing the best armored cavalry.  the pieces move in a manner very similar to the actual movement rates of medieval military units and the whole point of the game is exactly what the whole point of war was (and is) namely the capitulation of the enemy king.

simply because modern wargames do a far better job of representing movement rates than chess does doeesn't mean that chess is not a war
85  Gaming Stuff / Military Games / Re: the advantages of creating wargame boards from layers of cardboard on: July 09, 2014, 06:24:39 pm
well I dont know what that is but I guess it could work

here is a picture of the first wargame board, after it had been painted
I should have stopped here
I went ahead and planted too many q-tip trees, it made maneuver almost impossible
86  Gaming Stuff / Other Games / Re: Chess on: July 09, 2014, 03:03:44 pm
that looks a bit like spock's vulcan chess game
it was such bullpoop when kirk beat him at chess, that never would have happened

anyway, what do those three levels represent?
87  General Category / Site Direction / Re: Other sections on: July 09, 2014, 01:10:19 pm
possible categories for a forum on wargaming:
1 setting the scene - making boards and surfaces for gaming
2 making and painting models
3 organizing orders and plans for wargaming
4 historical wargames
5 naval wargames
6 world war 2 era
7 modern era
8 those awful science fiction games
9 thinking outside the box kind of area where weirdoes like me with a bunch of ideas for strange new wargames can kind of bounce ideas around
10 a section just about the mechanics of wargame rules, the dichotomy of detail vs. game time, sources of statistics for making wargame rule tables and such
88  Gaming Stuff / Other Games / Chess on: July 09, 2014, 01:05:11 pm
I am a big fan of chess when not involved in miniature wargames

I favor playing as black, and always use the Caro-Kann opening

while I usually play online, I also do have four chessboards, one of them is quite beautiful laminated oak and walnut, with a lovely staunton plastic set which fits very well

anyone else here a fan of chess?

no, not chests, calen

89  Gaming Stuff / Military Games / the advantages of creating wargame boards from layers of cardboard on: July 09, 2014, 12:56:12 pm
in this thread you will see why custom-created wargame boards made out of many many layers of cardboard cut-out and then glued together is far far superior to ANY form of flat map game

hopefully I will be able to post pictures of this process of making these finely-detailed 3D models

I am working on my second one right now and it is almost finished

this one I am making now is only ten layers of cardboard thick, but it shows the topography so well, and gives such a pleasing bird-eye view of the terrain, that basically, it makes all other forms of wargaming obsolete, at least in my opinion

and I have no bloddy bloody knives to speak of, either!

wish me luck on posting pictures
90  General Category / Fuck it all / Re: Historical Only! on: July 09, 2014, 12:50:52 pm
thanks for creating this forum calen
and yes, historical miniature wargames are an excellent source of amusement
not only does one learn about battles from across history, but I believe a firm grounding in tactics is aquired with more and more experience in historical games

personally, Ive wargamed across early medieval, late medieval, civil war era, and turn-of-the-century naval wargaming, but found I am most comfortable with modern.
of course, modern can encompass a wide range of levels of technology
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