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1  Gaming Stuff / Other Games / Re: Any Video Gamers Around? on: July 26, 2014, 09:38:08 pm
I usually waffle between PC gaming and console gaming.  These days it's probably 70% PC/30% console.

I love CRPGs, even though I don't have as much time to devote to them as I'd like.  I picked up Divinity: Original Sin recently and really like it. 
I'm also a sucker for Action RPGs like Diablo.  I've been playing a lot of Diablo III and working on getting every class to 70th level.  Just have the Wizard and Monk left.
Civ like strategy games is another genre I really like, although Civ 5 is the one I've spent the most time with recently.
I used to play an unhealthy amount of World of Warcraft, but broke that habit a couple years ago.

I've also been playing the original Infamous on the PS3.  No plans to pick up a PS4 in the near future, but probably will at some point.
2  General Category / Fuck it all / Re: Why the ****..? on: July 26, 2014, 04:19:43 pm
Will it censor **** and balls?

How about boobs and ****?

edit: ****, 50%.
3  General Category / Site Direction / Re: Free...or not? on: July 26, 2014, 04:11:28 pm
Free seems to be fine.  Are there any great benefits of the non-free version? 
If you chose to go non-free, I wouldn't mind chipping in a few bucks here and there.
I generally like the conventional SMF set-up anyways, free or not.  Not as many quirks as BGG or CSW. 
4  Gaming Stuff / Sports Games / Re: Baseball Games on: July 26, 2014, 03:18:33 am
I used to play tons of Pursue the Pennant back in early/mid 90s.  We used to draft teams and have tournaments.  We would keep stats of all our players and post leaderboards.  Good times.
I think we stopped shortly after it became Dynasty League Baseball.

I've enjoyed Replay baseball on the PC, although never delved too deeply into it.  Mostly just played some quick series or pick up games.
I've been tempted to pick up a new version of OOTP.  I haven't really played it since version 8 or 9. 
5  Gaming Stuff / Other Games / Re: Strategy PC Games on: July 26, 2014, 03:00:47 am
I've been playing some Civ 5 recently.  I really like it with the expansions.

I haven't played Fallen Enchantress in awhile, but that's another one I've enjoyed.

I should sit down and get some EU4 time in.  I end up playing some and then stopping, then forgetting what was going on, so I restart.
6  Gaming Stuff / Other Games / Re: Ye Olde Dead CCG Thread on: July 26, 2014, 02:52:32 am
I still have a bunch of Magic cards although I culled a large chunk a few years ago.  I was a pretty avid collector and player up through the Ravnica block.  These days, I don't play very much but I'll kind of keep track of new stuff coming out and pick up an odd pack here and there.  I think I'll always like the game.

I used to have a ton of others, but over time got rid of everything.  Mostly I would pick up a starter, maybe a couple boosters but they would never get much playtime.  At the time, everyone was so invested in Magic.

A couple others I remember:
On The Edge - I wish I still had this.  From what I remember, gameplay-wise it was pretty similar to Magic, but had such a weird and cool setting.  I even picked up some Over The Edge RPG books just to read about it.
Jyhad - I remember liking it, but could never get anyone to play. 
7  General Category / Site Direction / Re: Bitc h about this site on: July 26, 2014, 02:02:32 am
Werd filter ****es me off.
Word filter is a little annoying.
Does the "leave words uncensored" in profile settings do anything?  I check marked it, but still see asterisks.
8  General Category / Fuck it all / Re: The Big Baseball Thread on: July 26, 2014, 01:32:00 am
I grew up in Minnesota and have been a Twins fan since I was a little kid.  And as expected, they are terrible this year.
9  General Category / Fuck it all / Re: Nuts on: July 26, 2014, 01:20:53 am
Cashews. Nuts of the gods.

Likewise, though it's not really a nut.
Nut or not, I voted cashews.  I could eat those things all day. 
Almonds are a distant second.
10  General Category / Fuck it all / Re: Who are you? Why are you here? on: July 25, 2014, 08:10:34 pm
Glad I found this site as I enjoy calandale's reviews and don't delve much into the BGG Wargame subforum.

I end up buying more wargames than I have time to play, but I finally got a decent sized table so at least I can lay some maps out.
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