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1  General Category / Fuck it all / Re: Favorite Sports Names on: July 25, 2014, 05:18:19 pm
Coco Crisp.

I also really like Madison Bumgarner. Its just so 19th century.
2  General Category / Fuck it all / Re: Nuts on: July 25, 2014, 12:22:15 pm
its really great to meet a fellow vegetarian wargamer!
cheers to  you mate!
I do not, however, eat much nuts and seeds
they get stuck in my teeth
I usually get protein from tofu or beans and rice
sometimes, though, I bake granola bars with sunflower seeds in them


Baked granola bars with sunflower seeds sounds delicious!
3  General Category / Fuck it all / Re: Random music vids on: July 25, 2014, 12:17:47 pm
Well that got me in the mood. Some classic full albums:

Nobody does it better.
4  General Category / Fuck it all / Re: Random music vids on: July 25, 2014, 11:36:47 am
Somethin heavier:
5  Gaming Stuff / Military Games / Re: Facing the unknown on: July 25, 2014, 11:18:12 am

A detailed (which doesn't necessarily mean lengthy) historical notes section helps the player understand the situation at hand.

AND the designer's take on the situation. That latter part is important, even if you find other bare history elsewhere.
I very much like the designer's view of what the salient features were.

Yes. And throw in a couple historical military maps for good measure.  Smiley
6  Gaming Stuff / Military Games / Re: Facing the unknown on: July 25, 2014, 11:03:22 am
This is a big reason why I think detailed historical notes are important. Not every wargamer is a super-historian or has time to read a book on the subject before playing.

A detailed (which doesn't necessarily mean lengthy) historical notes section helps the player understand the situation at hand.
7  General Category / Site Direction / Re: Galleries - Very Cool Feature on: July 25, 2014, 10:50:05 am

The thumbnails don't work though. They just take me to a page of code.
8  General Category / Fuck it all / Re: Nuts on: July 24, 2014, 10:51:59 pm
After much consideration (not really), I had to go with almonds.

It would be pistachios but they're too much a pain in the ass.

Cashews are probably the tastiest but they are so oily, I can't eat too many of them at once.

Almonds I can (and do) eat by the handful. Plus they're so good covered in sugary sweet stuff or salty spicy stuff. All around, almonds are the winner in my book.
9  General Category / Fuck it all / Nuts on: July 24, 2014, 09:38:43 pm
I eat a lot of nuts. I need the protein since I'm a vegetarian.

There are so many to choose from and they are all so tasty. So what's your favorite?
10  Gaming Stuff / General Gaming Discussion / Re: Played Recently on: July 24, 2014, 09:30:48 pm
I've been a bad boardgamer  Sad
11  Gaming Stuff / General Gaming Discussion / Re: Designer Notes on: July 24, 2014, 09:16:26 pm
I guess this is a decent spot to ask, what printer(s) do you recommend for print and play?

I'm looking to get a color laser printer but don't know where to start except Best Buy and the couple times I've been there they had no idea what the hell they were talking about.
12  General Category / Fuck it all / Re: Rants on: July 24, 2014, 09:10:14 pm
I'm most addicted to BGG when I have some spare cash and am in the market for purchasing games. Then I'm on 24/7 prowling the marketplace and GeekBay and the Geeklist Auction Metalist Geeklist.
13  Gaming Stuff / General Gaming Discussion / Re: Funny little things that are gaming related on: July 24, 2014, 09:07:58 pm
Napoleonics? Assimilated.

Ancients? Assimilated.

WW2? Assimilated.

Orcs? Assimilated.
14  Gaming Stuff / General Gaming Discussion / Re: Funny little things that are gaming related on: July 24, 2014, 09:07:10 pm
And The Borg makes games that are nearly all the same!  Cheesy
15  Gaming Stuff / General Gaming Discussion / Re: Funny little things that are gaming related on: July 24, 2014, 09:00:10 pm
I thought Richard Borg was some sort of joke about Richard Berg's prolific output.

I thought they were the same person when I first got into the hobby.
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