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Gaming Stuff / Non-Roman Ancient DARs / Re: Chariots of Fire
on: July 25, 2014, 08:11:04 am
One of my favourite GBoH titles. Dynamic, free-wheeling and fun. Differences between chariots, tactical systems and armies. With a relatively simplified rule set. What is not to like? 
Gaming Stuff / Non-Roman Ancient DARs / Re: Successors
on: July 25, 2014, 07:53:20 am
I like this game. In fact, it has supplied some of my more enjoyable multi-player experiences. More from the cross table yip yap, but still... I have played it four times to date, which is a fair amount for me.
And in each of those four times the eventual winner ended up as the last man standing in a high VP area. Probably mainland Europe. Which illustrates one of the games slight quirks. That is, combat can be devastating and the map is large enough that it can prevent effective (ie timely) reaction to prevent a winning position.
Lessons I have learned from my limited playing are:
- Don't put all of your eggs in one basket. Unless you are truly desperate and/or the odds of you coming out on top are humungous. Even then..... hmmmmm ....
- Play to prevent someone holing up in Macedonia / Europe all by themselves.
- Don't **** around trying to get Alex back to Pella. Perhaps threaten to do it, but actually just drop him in a secure spot.
- Watch your back.
This is a beer and pretzels game. Don't invest too much into it and don't AP about moves. Play with friends, have a plan and have a laugh.
General Category / Fuck it all / Re: Rants
on: July 24, 2014, 07:57:37 pm
Ah! I wonder if I did when I first joined up? I was hitting buttons and whatnot to see what they would do. Maybe? My mind is like a colander. No need to fix it though. I just needed a rant. RANT: My mind is like a colander! ****es me off ...  EDIT: Argh! I've been dinged!! LOL!!!!
General Category / Fuck it all / Re: Rants
on: July 24, 2014, 06:39:21 pm
Tailgaters. I hate phucking tailgaters. Get off my a$$, you motherphucking twat.  PS - I am starting to hate software that removes socially unacceptable words too. Stop censoring me you judgmental poopheads!
General Category / Fuck it all / Re: Rants
on: July 24, 2014, 06:29:45 pm
I actually love roundabouts. Single lane ones though; multiple lanes create a little too much chaos. I think the formula is
CHAOS = CONFUSION to the (nth power x driver's age)
where n = # of roundabout lanes
The problem is that they confuse the poop out of people here. I once came up to one and had to stop as a car was circling around .... in the opposite direction. Hmmm...
General Category / Site Direction / Re: Moving my content here.
on: July 23, 2014, 08:55:05 pm
Is that you discovering the hidden camera your family installed to see "what you were up to all the time" in your game room?
Its not as alarming as the one he found in the bathroom  LOL! I'm going to post all the stuff here I used to post on BGG.... I must admit I spend more time here than there these days. 
General Category / Site Direction / Re: Moving my content here.
on: July 23, 2014, 08:53:04 pm
Is that you discovering the hidden camera your family installed to see "what you were up to all the time" in your game room? Actually I was toying with the idea of mounting a camera above a game session and have it periodically take a photo and make a time-lapse video out of the thing. I did something like that with the large INS game a group of us played last summer, but the camera was covering the room more than the map and all you see is us moving around the table and leaning over a lot. I enjoyed that video. It made me self conscious as to what I am doing during a session. Much the same as you guys were actually. I am a master of the stand-back-with-arms-crossed pose. On special occasions I add a look of befuddlement.
Gaming Stuff / General Gaming Discussion / Re: Downsizing
on: July 23, 2014, 06:16:29 pm
Your post has me looking over my own collection. Sort of a "what if" scenario...
Somehow, and I do not know exactly how, I have shot over 200 games. I thought I was in the 190s and a few days ago culled a bunch from my "Want In Trade" list. If anything, it should be lower (not sure if the trade games are counted).
Anyway, there are certainly some I could part with and not end up quivering in the fetal position. 50 to 100 thought would be tough.