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91  Gaming Stuff / Military Games / Re: The worst and overrated wargames? on: July 17, 2014, 06:54:35 pm
I will mention something positive about PoG.

I doubt I have felt such angst playing a game as I did with this one. The tension derived from the 6 cards max allowed per turn will eat at you. Eat ... at ..... you. Which is true for any game I have played that employs this mechanic as a matter of fact.

I understand the arguments against re: simulation, card decision impact, supply and whatnot. All of which push PoG slightly more towards the "GAME" side of the sliding GAME vs SIMULATION scale in my mind.

I don't care .... I have fun playing it. And that is what is important to me.    Tongue 

Side Note: Here I am coming to the defense of a game I have played all of three times .... LOL!
92  General Category / Fuck it all / Re: Game - A.B.C.'s of Wargame titles on: July 17, 2014, 06:38:36 pm
"N" is for the beautiful  ...

93  Gaming Stuff / Military Games / Re: Too much for you? on: July 16, 2014, 08:12:20 am
On a related note, last week I discovered some of my brother-in-law's old SPI flats. Poking around with Patrol I was struck by the familiarity of the rules layout. It reminded me of those from TSS.

I got the warm fuzzies.
94  Gaming Stuff / Military Games / Re: Too much for you? on: July 16, 2014, 07:32:04 am
I too have problems reading rules these days

Are you having trouble with old-style rules too though? I feel that I can still absorb those fairly well.

It's as though the whole paradigm for how to present has shifted - IMO towards the sloppier in terms of giving a good view of
what is going on. But maybe it's just that every damned game is so different. Tongue

Good question. I am not 100% sure.

I assumed that a deteriorating ability to focus as I age was the issue, but perhaps it is how some modern rules are written. I have not tested your notion of late except that I was able to read those from "A Famous Victory" without an issue. So perhaps you are on to something.

For example, I had a dickens of a time with rules from the COIN series. Even though it is really quite a simple game. This was partly due to their having unusual mechanics (for me). But also I think it had to do with how they were presented. Now I have no trouble with them since I am used to the games.
95  Gaming Stuff / Military Games / Re: Too much for you? on: July 15, 2014, 07:30:36 pm
One that just hasn't clicked for me, despite several attempts, is The Kaiser's Pirates....

That's a tricky situation.

I too have problems reading rules these days. In general that is. It has been an issue for a few years now. However ... once I start to push cardboard and apply the rules they usually gel for me.

If I was still having problems after playing that game I would start to get concerned. I had that issue with Fire in the Sky. It is a nuancy bugger that one.
96  General Category / Fuck it all / Re: Who are you? Why are you here? on: July 15, 2014, 05:05:10 pm
Good to see so many familiar faces. 

Good to see you here too Jim. You have one of my favourite avatars I must say. Same as on BGG no?
97  Gaming Stuff / Military Games / Re: Thinking about on: July 15, 2014, 09:29:33 am
I don't think its a wargame at all. Wait can I say that here? Do I want to start that here? No! You guys can call it whatever you like! Sorry!

LOL!   Grin

Interesting/different mechanics appeal to me, so I am keeping an eye on this Churchill game. I am interested in hearing what the scuttlebutt reveals over the next few months.
98  General Category / Fuck it all / Re: Who are you? Why are you here? on: July 15, 2014, 09:08:09 am

No one told me there would be pizza! I would have been here much earlier ...

Jon aka capt_s (BGG). I thought I was here for wargame discussion, but now I am hear for the food.

I slowed my BGG contributions considerably over the past year or two. At least in the Wargame Subforum. It has become a bit too repetitive (I know; I should have more patience) for my liking. Plus I have found the discussions in general to be less to my taste both in subject and in quality. I have all but stopped looking over the geeklists I am afraid. I am part of a Chat League Division which I enjoy and which has rekindled some of what I liked about BGG when I first arrived there. I have tried some guilds, but shied away from them .... perhaps I will try another one at some point.

PBEM player almost to the exclusion of other forms. I used to solo quite a bit and would like to get back into it. I love tactical/grand tactical games as they were my "go to" for years. PBEM has opened up my eyes to operational and strategic too, which I had avoided for some time. Not out of spite, but it was just that I enjoyed the other types. GBCAW, M&P, GBoH, La Bat and the like are my bread and butter. I enjoy the narrative mostly.

Despite years in the hobby, my game shelves are full of unplayed titles. Others here play much more than I do. I am a component fondler and map lover. And a dreamer/planner I suppose ....
99  Gaming Stuff / Military Games / Re: Pinnacle Games on: July 15, 2014, 08:05:19 am
Are there any games that you feel so nailed a design that they are really the best that can be done with it?

I imagine the answer lies in just what you want out of the game. For that matter, what the design intent was. Hmmmm....

Repeating myself a bit here, but once I figured out the La Bat rules I thought it captured tactical Napoleonics about as well as you could do it. I refer to the meat and bones of getting units into formation, moving them and then employing them. There are times when you really have to ponder just how to do those three things, even when just getting a group of units over some terrain. 

And the flexibility the system provides in letting you try different brigade/division formations is pretty outstanding. If you ever look at books dealing with Napoleonic era tactics it is amazing to see just how flexible something like a divisional deployment could be. Some battalions in column, some in line, positioned just so, etc. I think La Bat allows that very experimentation which I think captures the period nicely.

As far as the CDG debate is concerned, I have come around to the thinking that Clash of Monarchs captures that war nicely. And removes that somewhat-annoying-common-in-CDGs weather (or other chance) cards from the players' control. It is slow (at times), pondering and frustrating, but it sure does feel right.

100  Gaming Stuff / Military Games / Re: Der Weltkrieg on: July 15, 2014, 07:32:34 am
Given the centennial of the war and the resulting copious number of books, media articles and podcasts coming out, now is as good as time as any to get into WW1 games.
101  Gaming Stuff / Military Games / Re: Too much for you? on: July 15, 2014, 07:28:03 am
Actually, upon reflection, La Bat was a game series that intimidated me in the past. Until I actually played it that is.

Not that it was easy to get into. I poured over the rules and made myself some rule reminders. Like study notes. Then after a complete muck up of a first playing I reread/revised my notes and tried again. Finally, the mechanics all came together at that point. I was playing Quatre Bras at the time.

So I suppose the thought of tackling it did hold me back initially.

What I find for any game these days is that I need to be really into the subject to play it. Much more so when playing solitaire. If not, then any solo effort will dry up on the tale. You know ..... set up .... sit for months ..... pack up. And "being into" is code for reading a good book on the subject at the same time.
102  Gaming Stuff / Military Games / Re: Too much for you? on: July 14, 2014, 07:08:22 pm
I had that album ....

103  Gaming Stuff / Military Games / Re: Too much for you? on: July 14, 2014, 06:31:23 pm

Oh.... so THIS is where the cool kids are hanging out now .... Why do I feel like the younger brother all the older kids are fleeing from? 

Dude! Your most important decision right now is your avatar choice: farting Captain Scarlet or Brock Samson. The world awaits!

I could not load up the pic I wanted, so here is Brock. Who may or may not be farting. Perhaps that is why he is clenching on the knife? Perhaps .... no doubt his farts are like howitzer shots ...


PS - Thanks for the welcome! Happy to join the party. I'll spike the punch.
104  Gaming Stuff / Military Games / Re: Too much for you? on: July 14, 2014, 06:11:07 pm
I really want to try BAR. It looks so juicily...difficult.
It's easier to pick up than La Bataille.

Interesting. Maybe I'll start with BAR before LaBat then.

Oh.... so THIS is where the cool kids are hanging out now .... Why do I feel like the younger brother all the older kids are fleeing from? 


Been too many years since I played BAR and I am anxious about getting back into it. Especially since Fontenoy and now Prague have come out somewhat recently.

I hope to play some this autumn, but I said that last autumn to no avail. Sigh.


Game too big? I haven't met it yet, but I purchase carefully. Well .... Empire of the Sun is a little intimidating.
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