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Gaming Stuff / General Gaming Discussion / Re: Played Recently
on: July 26, 2014, 08:55:16 pm
Doped up on valium to help with the vertigo...
 It's much better these past few days than it has been over the past few weeks. Basically, if the Epley Maneuver doesn't clear the "rocks" out of your inner ear, you pretty much just have to wait it out. I do exercises to help my brain adapt to the balance issue, and I can move around and do pretty much anything normally. Can't sleep on my right side, though, and focusing my eyes downward (such as on a gameboard) still makes me feel spacey. But I did play Elevenses tonight with the wife. Really fun little card game.
General Category / Fuck it all / Re: Nuts
on: July 26, 2014, 05:19:28 pm
My parents drive down to Florida every year and always stop and get big bags of pecans from the big pecan tourist stops along I-75. Typically Ad**** Pecans. We always have them bring us back a nice stock of pecans and pecan-related stuff.
Hey, a perfectly legitimate business name got censored out of my post! It's Ad c o c k Pecans. Even though there's a giant sign for Adcock along the interstate, you can totally stop there without embarrassment. They just sell nuts. I mean, pecans.
General Category / Fuck it all / Re: Nuts
on: July 26, 2014, 08:24:58 am
My parents drive down to Florida every year and always stop and get big bags of pecans from the big pecan tourist stops along I-75. Typically Adcock Pecans. We always have them bring us back a nice stock of pecans and pecan-related stuff.
Gaming Stuff / Other Games / Re: Ye Olde Dead CCG Thread
on: July 26, 2014, 08:20:15 am
Yeah, I also tried out Jyhad back when it came out - but it was right around freshman year of college, and I was pretty much getting out of MTG at the time. So I never got too far into it. But I liked the Vampire: The Masquerade universe, so the subject appealed to me.
Gaming Stuff / General Gaming Discussion / Re: Flavor Text
on: July 25, 2014, 10:03:24 pm
However, we just got done playing a game of Arkham Horror and reading all of the flavor text aloud is just part of the experience. I mean it's just not the same reading an encounter card and going "Luck Check -2, passed, I get two Clue Tokens. Next!".
I had the displeasure once of playing Arkham Horror with a 'maximal efficiency' Euro group - no reading of flavor text, just mechanically motoring through and going for 'optimal play'. It was depressing. Exactly. As far as I'm concerned, you might as well be playing something about container shipping if you're not going to bother to set the mood for a game like Arkham Horror.
Gaming Stuff / Military Games / Re: World War One gamers
on: July 25, 2014, 10:01:01 pm
Sluggo played a fair amount of 1914:TitE a number of months ago. He rolled up his sleeves and really dug into it in an effort to learn a hard game. At the end of the day he was quite happy with it.
Hopefully he will see this discussion and chime in.
Yes, greatly enjoyed my experience with TitE. But I haven't played OaO yet. I only know what I've read elsewhere - some people didn't like the elimination of strength point losses, though I think Mike Resch provided an option to use strength point markers in the game. Essentially, his philosophy is that units should not be eliminated, since entire divisions or corps were rarely eliminated. Everything is tracked by effectiveness - so instead of grinding down strength points, or just wiping out stacks of units (think The Guns of August - yikes!) you're grinding against the same units over and over, chipping away at combat effectiveness, until units start to displace. Although, these are second-hand observations - I can't really tell you whether this type of philosophy works in practice in OaO. TitE used a more conventional system in terms of unit strength, but still employed that philosophy of combat effectiveness - if the combat effectiveness of your units started to waver, your line was in real danger of just disintegrating.
Gaming Stuff / General Gaming Discussion / Re: Flavor Text
on: July 25, 2014, 09:43:06 pm
You mean like the stuff that's on CDG cards? Totally inherited from CCGs. Flavor text works for CCGs. I just ignore flavor text on CDG cards, though. Funny, that.
I still read it in CDG's, though. My opponents never do. I like the little history tidbits.
Gaming Stuff / Military Games / Re: Codeword:Cromwell -- Opinions?
on: July 25, 2014, 09:41:43 pm
What's to love? What's to hate? All I know is that these are big-ass solo games. Are they too constraining? Too random? The opposite?
Too expensive - a discovery usually made after playing, apparently.
Gaming Stuff / General Gaming Discussion / Re: Flavor Text
on: July 25, 2014, 09:37:31 pm
I just mentioned this over in the "played recently" thread.
I love flavor text. When playing multi-player games, I always make people read it out loud. With Arkham Horror, we also always made everyone read their character profiles before the game. My view is, it can only enhance the game's narrative. Only skip it if it's repetitive (duplicate cards and things, for example, that have the same text) - but otherwise, I see it as there for a reason. We're playing an Arkham Horror game because we like H.P. Lovecraft - so let's enjoy the Lovecraftiness of the game!
Most recent example was playing Relic - WH40K flavor is such lovely, over-the-top crap!
General Category / Fuck it all / Re: Who are you? Why are you here?
on: July 25, 2014, 09:28:44 pm
Honestly, I was waiting to see if this crashed and burned.
Me too. But, there's still plenty of time for that. Yeah, I mean this has only been up for a week or two, right? I mean, we are talking about the attention span of the internet, here. 
Gaming Stuff / General Gaming Discussion / Re: Played Recently
on: July 25, 2014, 09:26:06 pm
Mother-in-law gaming tonight.
Got in a four player game (with two newbies) of Arkham Horror using Yig as the GOO. Ended up closing all of the open gates (sealing five of them) for the win. Nothing too exciting along the way and I don't think the newbies enjoyed it all that much.
You should try adding some of the expansions for a little added complexity. And, for god's sake, always read the cards out loud, including any flavor text! It's a flavor text kind of game! Haven't played it in ages as five of the members of my old Ameritrash gaming group opened a brewery, and now I'm lucky if I see them once a month, and that's usually at the brewery! We used to have epic 8-player Arkham Horror parties. Sometimes we had 13 or 14 people show up and had to split into games of AH and Mansions of Madness. Great for Halloween parties.