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1  Gaming Stuff / General Gaming Discussion / Re: Gaming Related Announcements on: July 26, 2014, 08:06:35 am
MMP July Newsletter

Key news:
* Beyond the Rhine (OCS, northwest Europe from Sept 1944) is up for pre-order.  Currently at 185/640.
* OCS Korea (reprint) is about to print, so last call for pre-orders.

Other recent pre-order additions include Day of Days (SCS, D-Day) and Monty's Gamble: Market Garden (area movement, reprint).

edit:  the wordfilter might be tuned a bit tight.
2  General Category / Fuck it all / Re: Rants on: July 26, 2014, 07:53:45 am
We're getting one of these put in. Can't wait for the clusterfuck that will follow...

Jesus.  They are putting in roundabouts here in Minnesota and these damn "double diamond" exchanges.  Our own MNDOT calls it "progress" - I call it one big cluster ****.

There, I said it.

The double diamond on 34th (with light rail) is fantastic for watching tourists coming out of MSP Terminal 2...
3  Gaming Stuff / General Gaming Discussion / Re: Downsizing on: July 24, 2014, 12:28:02 am
We went through that process a couple of years ago. Way too expensive! It would be more cost effective to buy a bigger house. Seeing as how I have one kid just going off to college and another two years behind, it'll be a while before I can upgrade my gaming space. (Damned kids!)

Sounds to me like you'll have one extra gaming room shortly and another in two years...

(of course, I already keep my unassembled minis, robust terrain, and lighter Euros in my four-year-old's room)
4  Gaming Stuff / Military Games / Re: Anybody Else Hearing About A GMT COIN Game Set During The Gallic Wars? on: July 20, 2014, 07:42:30 am
I just took a spin through GMT's Instagram collection (saving rant on yet another social media thing for me to follow).

The new COIN games they picture include:
* Roman things
* a map along the St. Lawrence river (presumably French and Indian War, but maybe they could push the timescale to get to early 1800s?).  Also a card/chart referencing French and British.
* a map of the Philippines
5  General Category / Site Direction / Re: Would You Like To Have A Political Forum? on: July 18, 2014, 12:52:31 pm
Ok, last time, it's not a place for a ****ing contest. It's to post information about political situations affecting conflict. Since my focus is contemporary conflict I have found it is almost impossible to separate one from the other.

Seriously, I don't think "news" and "rant" can be separated on an open forum.  I can't count the number of threads on other forums I've seen locked because, despite frequent informative posts from folks on the ground in Ukraine, certain forumites couldn't control their urge to re-argue every pissing contest of the last 200 years(*)

The one place where such a thread survived it was because a moderator was located in Ukraine, so they could post news to a *closed* thread.

(*) -- The Crimean War discussion spilled quickly into who screwed up in the various former Yugoslav states.  The Kyivan Rus discussion at least avoided modern politics (aside from Ukraine-Russia issues).
6  Gaming Stuff / Military Games / Re: 'Dead' wargame systems - why does it matter? on: July 18, 2014, 12:34:51 pm
I thought that SJG was going to be putting together an epic Car Wars Kickstarter a la Ogre sometime in the near future.

As anarchy noted, Car Wars Classic is headed into distribution and Mini Car Wars is already available (maybe a Warehouse23 exclusive).  These are both basically straight reprints of the 20+-year-old versions.  I think Phil Reed said that Classic is a reprint of the 1990 edition.

The sixth edition (for Kickstarter) is still under development.  A couple months back SJG brought back Scott Haring into a new Car Wars Line Editor position, and they are doing in-office playtests.  Apparently driving and crashing is working adequately, so current focus is on rebalancing the shooting.  I'd be surprised if it heads for Kickstarter before mid-2015 at this point.

[disclosure:  although I'm a moderator for the Ogre forum over at SJG, I'm not an employee or directly involved in the Car Wars side.]
7  General Category / Site Direction / Re: Would You Like To Have A Political Forum? on: July 18, 2014, 12:25:11 pm
Would it be possible for me to block everything posted in it? 

I could create a user group access restriction.

That's an idea I've seen work well.  On the forums for Reaper Miniatures they have a subforum for politics that is inaccessable by default, but a user can request access (description here).  Then, if a topic on the main forum goes bad, the moderators can dump it in the politics subforum.  It also lets the moderators remove temptation from certain posters (where I moderate, the forum blocks anyone with multiple infractions from the off-topic subforum).
8  General Category / Site Direction / Re: Would You Like To Have A Political Forum? on: July 17, 2014, 07:12:59 pm
Just thought this might be a good guys decide.

I doubt that any good could come of it.  The "is ASL a wargame" or "BGG vs CSW" religious wars are nothing compared to a political discussion, and to do it without an established moderation practice is begging for trouble.  (99% of infractions and bans on the gaming forum I moderate seem to be for users who can't let a political point go undisputed.)
9  Gaming Stuff / Economic Games / Re: 18xx for newbies on: July 17, 2014, 03:58:37 pm
Are 18xx games soloable at all?

Enrico has at least a couple reviews, so they're at least that soloable.
10  General Category / Fuck it all / Re: Board Game ****es! on: July 17, 2014, 02:09:56 pm
So, the "..." got you another ban, eh?

Your content they like.  Your characters, not so much.


As in I'm schitzoid or have socks?

Because in the latter, my feet are bare.

The mods seem to not be fans of punctuation.  Ellipsis-based bans seem beyond the pale, as much as ellipsis-based ones.
11  General Category / Fuck it all / Re: Board Game ****es! on: July 17, 2014, 12:51:37 pm
So, the "..." got you another ban, eh?

Your content they like.  Your characters, not so much.

12  Gaming Stuff / Military Games / Re: The worst and overrated wargames? on: July 17, 2014, 12:50:05 pm
The idea here is to start a list of the worst or overrated wargames. Why they are what they are is the next post but for now a start on the list. Also I am not assigning a relative grade here just putting them on the list. In my opinion a game with horrible graphics is not as bad as a game with dysfunctional rules or one lacking in simulation value.

Chess.  Definitely overrated as a simulation; possibly worst.
13  General Category / Fuck it all / Re: Why game? on: July 16, 2014, 10:14:42 pm
Ok, what the *** is OTT?

I imagine if any of the other OTTers come here, this will be where they are most active.
Off Topic TavernERS
It's where we use to hang out on WotC forums... until they permabanned us all- every last one of us.
It's a long story...
14  General Category / Site Direction / Re: Weird Malware Experience on: July 16, 2014, 08:06:02 pm
This site seems to be using several ad providers, including some I've never seen before.  One (adnxs) I've seen associated with malware before, although I can't quickly find a comment on whether they are ever legitimate.
15  General Category / Site Direction / Re: Weird Malware Experience on: July 16, 2014, 07:39:46 pm
I was getting a lot of odd things on my Android phone, until I turned off Javascript.  It struck me as likely being bad ads.

On my Mac I block Flash and am not getting that, but there are quite a few Flash-based ads here.
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