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1  General Category / Fuck it all / Re: Religion on: July 26, 2014, 05:55:34 pm

But an organization elected by the people that has the power to control your life is okay? Huh

You know, like a government. It's why Democracy doesn't work in the middle-east. They all believe it should be their way and their way only with no compromise. It's getting bad in the states but we haven't broke out in a shooting war...yet.

When a group comes together and breaks the law in front of law enforcement and law enforcement tells you there is nothing they can do but if you lift a hand to those breaking the law YOU will be arrested...that is bullshit...

It's all right here:,115.msg1730.html#msg1730

There are many forms of government. My point is that a non-democratically elected body telling you what you can and cannot do is no different than a democratically elected body doing the same thing. It's a distinction without difference for the most part.

As far as your anecdote, I'm not sure how much of it I believe. Yes, you would have been arrested for battery had you physically removed someone from your store for something a person said. There's nothing surprising about that. If they were in your store bothering customers you generally should have been able to ask them to leave your private property for disturbing your customers. If I had to guess, I'd say the people causing the problems had left by the time the cops showed up, and that's why there was nothing to be done. Or the people were not in the store, but standing on the sidewalk, i.e. A public forum.

In any event the entire event seems rather dubious.

Do you think I would feel the way I do if it didn't go down the way I said?

In the store. Everyday. Preaching to customers. Told them to leave. They just got louder. Cops called. Show up. People in store still being disruptive on private property. Tells me nothing he can do. I go behind counter for my baseball bat and I am told if I touch them I will be arrested.

Exactly how it went down. Just like my business. This isn't church man. You don't have to 'believe' anything. I was there. Satanic Panic. Every store in the area closed. Schools confiscating books from kids. Book burnings. Not just RPGs. Magazines removed from stores. Music being destroyed.

Moral Majority - Pure unadulterated Facism.

But if the moral majority duly enacted the laws, it's okay right? That was your problem above, that it was an unelected body doing it. Once the moral majority takes over the political bodies of the state, and uses those institutions, seems like all is good under your post above.

No, it's not ok. But you have the option of organizing to bring that elected group down or going to civil war.

I'm talking about people who operate beyond the law, protected by the institutions that are put in place to stop just such actions.

Cops - can't help you

Lawyers - take your money and then tell you nothing there's they can do.

You tell me. Here's the situation. What do you do?:

You are watching your favorite sporting event on your bigscreen having a cold beer and a slice of pizza when a knock comes at the door. I say 'hey, what's up' and push past you and head for the kitchen where I grab a cold beer out of the fridge, head over to the sofa and grab a slice of pizza, change the channel to my favorite sport and put my muddy shoes up on your coffee table.

You call the cops, They show up, hear what happened and inform you there is nothing they can do about it and when you move towards me they tell you that if you touch me you will go to jail.

What do you do?
2  General Category / Fuck it all / Re: Religion on: July 26, 2014, 05:36:18 pm

But an organization elected by the people that has the power to control your life is okay? Huh

You know, like a government. It's why Democracy doesn't work in the middle-east. They all believe it should be their way and their way only with no compromise. It's getting bad in the states but we haven't broke out in a shooting war...yet.

When a group comes together and breaks the law in front of law enforcement and law enforcement tells you there is nothing they can do but if you lift a hand to those breaking the law YOU will be arrested...that is bullshit...

It's all right here:,115.msg1730.html#msg1730

There are many forms of government. My point is that a non-democratically elected body telling you what you can and cannot do is no different than a democratically elected body doing the same thing. It's a distinction without difference for the most part.

As far as your anecdote, I'm not sure how much of it I believe. Yes, you would have been arrested for battery had you physically removed someone from your store for something a person said. There's nothing surprising about that. If they were in your store bothering customers you generally should have been able to ask them to leave your private property for disturbing your customers. If I had to guess, I'd say the people causing the problems had left by the time the cops showed up, and that's why there was nothing to be done. Or the people were not in the store, but standing on the sidewalk, i.e. A public forum.

In any event the entire event seems rather dubious.

Do you think I would feel the way I do if it didn't go down the way I said?

In the store. Everyday. Preaching to customers. Told them to leave. They just got louder. Cops called. Show up. People in store still being disruptive on private property. Tells me nothing he can do. I go behind counter for my baseball bat and I am told if I touch them I will be arrested.

Exactly how it went down. Just like my business. This isn't church man. You don't have to 'believe' anything. I was there. Satanic Panic. Every store in the area closed. Schools confiscating books from kids. Book burnings. Not just RPGs. Magazines removed from stores. Music being destroyed.

Moral Majority - Pure unadulterated Facism.

3  General Category / Fuck it all / Re: Religion on: July 26, 2014, 05:03:27 pm
Yeah. I wanted to focus more on the beliefs than the name-calling.

For example, the philosophical underpinning to indulgences is very sensible.
The end results caused some serious problems through history though.
BUT, some of the philosophical stances taken to avoid such (good works
not being considered of value) are also very disturbing.

See, you wanted to talk theology and you started a religion thread Smiley

I went through and cleaned up my mess. As I have said wrong person wrong day. Push my buttons on a really bad day and it can go nuclear really fast.

I referred back to my original post and will stand by it. Any organization that is not elected by the people but has the power to control my life or aspects of my life I am against 100%.

But an organization elected by the people that has the power to control your life is okay? Huh

You know, like a government. It's why Democracy doesn't work in the middle-east. They all believe it should be their way and their way only with no compromise. It's getting bad in the states but we haven't broke out in a shooting war...yet.

When a group comes together and breaks the law in front of law enforcement and law enforcement tells you there is nothing they can do but if you lift a hand to those breaking the law YOU will be arrested...that is bullshit...

It's all right here:,115.msg1730.html#msg1730
4  Gaming Stuff / General Gaming Discussion / Re: Gaming slump on: July 26, 2014, 02:36:51 pm
For myself wargaming is a study, part of a larger activity that includes studying the subject through docs, books, online research,etc. Sometimes I sit down to just look for the historical outcome and sometimes it is to see if I could do something different to affect the outcome.

Like the little game from DG on Angola. That got me to researching the subject to the point of making notes for either expanding on the little game or creating my own.

It's been a part of my life for so long it's like breathing.
5  Gaming Stuff / General Gaming Discussion / Re: Gaming Related Announcements on: July 26, 2014, 02:28:59 pm
Yes, if you want to discuss titles just start a thread. Keep this for the announcements only.
6  General Category / Fuck it all / Re: BBC - The Important Battle You Never Heard Of on: July 26, 2014, 02:25:38 pm
I saw this today on the BBC website. Found it quite interesting I did so I thought I would share. Something to peruse over your morning coffee/tea ...

Embedded deep in the story are five other decisive battles from history which I thought were coolio too.

Not sure if this is the best place for such a post, but there you go.

PS - And I had heard of Bouvines ....    Cheesy

Pretty cool - didn't know about that -- informative article

PPS - Oh .... They did this over on BGG.

Where's that?  Grin

Can't believe they left out Khalkin Gol...
7  General Category / Fuck it all / Re: BBC - The Important Battle You Never Heard Of on: July 26, 2014, 02:24:10 pm

Didn't have much effect though.

Why is Red Sash not all over this???

This sounds like their kind of action! Smiley
8  General Category / Fuck it all / Re: Religion on: July 26, 2014, 02:17:21 pm
Yeah. I wanted to focus more on the beliefs than the name-calling.

For example, the philosophical underpinning to indulgences is very sensible.
The end results caused some serious problems through history though.
BUT, some of the philosophical stances taken to avoid such (good works
not being considered of value) are also very disturbing.

See, you wanted to talk theology and you started a religion thread Smiley

I went through and cleaned up my mess. As I have said wrong person wrong day. Push my buttons on a really bad day and it can go nuclear really fast.

I referred back to my original post and will stand by it. Any organization that is not elected by the people but has the power to control my life or aspects of my life I am against 100%.
9  General Category / Site Direction / Re: Lurkers!!! on: July 26, 2014, 12:09:34 am
We have 430 lurkers at this very moment. That is incredible.

Folks, jump in and have some fun, we can get a bit noisy in here but there is nothing like the fresh air of freedom.

10  General Category / Fuck it all / Re: Documentaries on: July 25, 2014, 11:19:12 pm
11  General Category / Fuck it all / Re: Documentaries on: July 25, 2014, 11:13:58 pm
12  General Category / Fuck it all / Documentaries on: July 25, 2014, 11:12:28 pm
May as well go ahead and add this one.

First Up:
13  General Category / Fuck it all / Re: Trailer Park on: July 25, 2014, 10:18:49 pm
14  General Category / Fuck it all / Re: Trailer Park on: July 25, 2014, 10:07:22 pm
15  General Category / Fuck it all / Trailer Park on: July 25, 2014, 10:02:23 pm
Figured I would go ahead and get this one started with the trailer for The Patrol:
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