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1  General Category / Site Direction / Re: Free...or not? on: July 27, 2014, 12:25:24 am
So not a fan of moving already - we just got here.   Huh

Anyway, when this shuts down - I'll move too.
2  Gaming Stuff / Other Games / Re: Any Video Gamers Around? on: July 26, 2014, 08:22:21 pm
Daggerfall - Skyrim
Mass Effect (all)
Dragon Age (1 much better than 2)
The Witcher 1 and 2
Borderlands 2 (not really a FPS guy anymore but Handsome Jack is very funny)
Gothic series
Baldur's Gate
Icewind Dale
Divinity (now playing Original Sin)

Basically a huge RPG guy.  Very much enjoy them. 

Tried too many MMO's to count - favorite was and still is Dark Age of Camelot.

3  Gaming Stuff / General Gaming Discussion / Re: Best Music for Wargames?! on: July 26, 2014, 08:06:54 pm
For WW2 and newer - this one takes the cake.

4  General Category / Fuck it all / Favorite College Professor sayings... on: July 26, 2014, 02:50:42 am
We had a few:

Our favorite:  "It is intuitively obvious to the most casual observer..."

Visiting Polish Professor:  "Next, we examine how to calculate IMPY DANCE"
::looking around room::
::noticing the guy in front of me actually wrote "IMPY DANCE" in his notes::
::light bulb finally goes on::
oh!  Impedance!

Lab assistant from China: "For this lab, you will need to calculate etch and this is vital.  Etch is an important and a difficult task". 
Me: ::looks around::
::everyone is nodding::
Me: ::raises hand::
Me: "What is etch"?
Lab assistant from China: "You don't know what etch is and you are in college?  How can that be?"
He proceeds to draw a huge ****ing "H" on the blackboard.  H = Height of course and everyone laughed.  I didn't.

"If you accidentally blow up your BJT" (bipolar junction transistor) "you will go home with a burnt BJT - you will not get another".
Note:  BJT's were about $.19 list price at the time.

We actually tried to put equations to this Professor quip:  "You will find it is either twice as less or half as much".

There you go...I have more but this should get us started.

5  General Category / Fuck it all / Enrico for President! on: July 26, 2014, 02:36:26 am
Who's with me?

<sponsored by the URF - Underground Rebel Force>

Yeah!!!  Go Calandale!  Can I be your running mate? 


PS.  Yes, I'm either on to something or on something.
6  Gaming Stuff / Roman DARs / Re: Sword of Rome on: July 26, 2014, 02:29:37 am
Enrico, I bought this one from your review alone!

I don't suppose you get compensated in any way from your style of "play through" but you SHOULD damn it.

I know that there are several top reviewers that get game and after game after game for them to "review" and "endorse".  It does backfire from time to time but SO rarely. 

By the way, your style of ratings is what sets you apart too.  The fact that most games are like 5's or 6's.  It takes a lot to get to a 7 and for 8-10 it really has to be a legendary game.
7  General Category / Fuck it all / Re: Rants on: July 26, 2014, 02:25:14 am
We're getting one of these put in. Can't wait for the clusterfuck that will follow...

Jesus.  They are putting in roundabouts here in Minnesota and these damn "double diamond" exchanges.  Our own MNDOT calls it "progress" - I call it one big cluster ****.

There, I said it.
8  General Category / Fuck it all / What is your favorite Non sequitur? on: July 26, 2014, 02:23:05 am
A fellow co-worker hit me with this one about 10 years ago at a bar in downtown Minneapolis.

We were about 3-4 beers in at this time.

I said "I need to think on this".  He said "not me" and rattles this beauty from Walter Sobchak in "The Big Lebowski":

“Nihilism, **** me. I mean, say what you will about the tenets of National Socialism Dude, at least it was an ethos.”

When I said I never saw that film his expression went from curiosity to WTF!?

9  General Category / Fuck it all / Re: The Big Baseball Thread on: July 26, 2014, 02:15:37 am
I grew up in Minnesota and have been a Twins fan since I was a little kid.  And as expected, they are terrible this year.

That goes double for me - grew up in Minnesota, live in this state, probably going to grow old here (wait, I'm old already!).

10  Gaming Stuff / Military Games / Re: Is War of the Ring (2nd ed) a wargame or euro? on: July 25, 2014, 08:38:13 pm
I don't know about this game as I haven't played it.  But watching Calandale's treatment of "The Fellowship of the Ring" by ICE is a great review.

Fatty Bolger getting lost is one of my favorites!

11  Gaming Stuff / General Gaming Discussion / Re: What are you reading related to your gaming? on: July 25, 2014, 08:12:14 pm
Cast Iron Charlie (Charles Sorensen) - "My forty years with Ford".  VERY good read to prepare you for Martin Wallace's Automobile.

With a name like Cast Iron Charlie - you just have to read this one.

12  General Category / Fuck it all / Re: Favorite Sports Names on: July 25, 2014, 08:02:14 pm
I think the northern baseball league has a cool name for one of their teams:

Thunder Bay Whiskey Jacks

Now THAT's a name to cheer for!

13  General Category / Site Direction / Re: Report to moderator button on: July 23, 2014, 07:12:38 pm

I thought we were here because:

1.  Calandale is here.
2.  BGG can go fly a kite.
3.  No @#$*&(% RED X!!!!

//Rant off
14  Gaming Stuff / General Gaming Discussion / Mechanism vs. Mechanic on: July 23, 2014, 03:25:00 am
I noticed while watching a video with UndeadViking and Scott Nicholson that there was a serious correction by Scott.

"Mechanism" NOT "Mechanic"

He was really correcting poor Lance on this. 

Just thought you should know - maybe the professor is right.  Use "Mechanism", not "Mechanic".

15  Gaming Stuff / General Gaming Discussion / Racing games on: July 23, 2014, 03:20:02 am
NOTE:  This should have been posted in "Sports Games".  Anyone have the authority to move it?

Okay - this is an old BGG question but with a different twist - shoot me.

I grew up with good old fashion AFX electric road racing sets.  They were "magic" back in the day.  Fast forward to today and it is SO damn difficult to duplicate the feeling of cars running around the track with you in control of them versus their cardboard counterparts. 


My nephews, now in their 30's, still love to use those old electric road racing sets but if I try to get them in front of Formula De or Formula D or RallyMan or (take your pick) they just tell me:

"Can we go downstairs and fire up the old cars on the track"?

I'm all for cardboard - don't get me wrong.  But racing boardgames are a poor substitute to these old electric racing sets (and now they have gone digital).

Anyone else see this?

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