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Gaming Stuff / Military Games / Re: Too much for you?
on: July 16, 2014, 07:20:20 pm
Is it feasible for a wargame company, say GMT, to standardize their rules?
Anyone know how they create their rules? Do they have any standard? Is the designer always given free reign?
It seems some standards might be worthwhile. For example, always include an index, always have a glossary of abbreviations, use a decimal section system, etc.
Series rules get standardized over time, but it still amazes me that a company that's been producing games for decades still produces crap rulebooks.
Gaming Stuff / Military Games / Re: If you love a topic...
on: July 15, 2014, 09:53:53 am
Cool system is more important than anything else for me. If the system is great, it will drive me to learn more about a topic. I'm not a huge ACW buff, but I've cracked books on the subject because I like playing GCACW series. I can even put up with bad rules and bad history if I enjoy playing a system.
Gaming Stuff / Military Games / Re: Does ASL naturally attract pussies?
on: July 15, 2014, 08:23:43 am
I'll tell you what attracted me to ASL. I wanted to play a WWII tactical game where the pieces had personality. I love that ASL squads can cower, go berserk, produce heroes, etc. I love that ASL has leader counters that are very vital to your chances of winning. I like that a tank counter represents one tank and that some tanks can have armor leaders inside. An ASL game creates a story about individual soldiers better than any game I've played.
GBOH gives you some of that too. Fields of Fire and Up Front also. Any others?
Obviously, I play other wargames too. (Else I wouldn't be here.) But I discovered after playing several other WWII tactical games, that if you want to play WWII at that level, it's best to just give in to ASL.