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1  Gaming Stuff / General Gaming Discussion / Re: Gaming slump on: July 25, 2014, 02:06:07 pm
I often switch to computer gaming or catch up on some books, that usually does the trick and the urge to game returns.

Definitely have issues deciding on agame though.
2  Gaming Stuff / Calandale / Re: The Minimal Life on: July 25, 2014, 02:32:30 am
Yeah I held off on getting a car until about a month ago. Only passed my test this year and I mostly did it just to shut other people up though rather than any desire to drive.

There's going to be much the same pressure to be working once my youngest daughter starts school full time in September. People have been asking me for a year now what I'm going to do once she is at know what I'm going to do? I'm going to drive to the cinema in the **** car you all made me buy.
3  General Category / Fuck it all / Re: Rants on: July 25, 2014, 02:10:21 am
I should not be allowed to have a license.

It should also not be the only reasonably convenient way
to get around in an urban environment. Sad

Yeah that really annoys me. That along with the social pressure to drive and own a car. I held out for a long time, I think it's probably a little easier because of the distances involved here but moving out of London and having children made it much harder. Dont enjoy driving though, and I still like the slower pace of walking, cycling and public transport.
4  General Category / Fuck it all / Re: Rants on: July 24, 2014, 05:31:50 pm
Yeah we get this in the UK too, a lot of the time on roundabouts. I know you don't really do roundabouts in the US but if any of you US folk have ever driven in the UK you'll understand the need for clear signalling on those things. It's either no signalling or people in the wrong lane cutting you up as you try to exit.

I've yet to brave the Swindon "Magic Roundabout". Any of you fancy driving round this thing:  Grin
5  Gaming Stuff / Other Games / Re: Card games....yes - card games on: July 23, 2014, 04:33:13 pm
I remember playing a lot at school, mostly variations that probably didn't exist anywhere else. Those weird card games that seem to exist in small communities that nobody seems to know all the rules to but everyone plays.

I do remember playing a lot of poopiehead or whatever else it is called.
6  General Category / Site Direction / Re: Report to moderator button on: July 23, 2014, 04:28:37 pm
Howw about a "Let's all have a nice cup of tea" button?
7  Gaming Stuff / General Gaming Discussion / Re: Downsizing on: July 23, 2014, 01:47:44 pm
You can all send me your spare games, I don't have enough to downsize yet.  Grin
8  Gaming Stuff / Economic Games / Re: 18xx for newbies on: July 23, 2014, 01:25:55 pm
I don't recall if the PC game supports it either. But hey, it's just abandonware.

Yeah just tried it in dosbox and it runs fine. Might see if I can get it working on the ipad.
9  General Category / Fuck it all / Re: Religion on: July 23, 2014, 12:55:01 pm
Not all religions are accusatory. Nor do all promise any kind of 'salvation'.

The Church in the West seems to have used that promise of salvation to avoid facing the horrors of
this world (and any need to change - hence destroying /mutating the society). Seldom was it the case
that people directly saw that as the purpose (it seems so grim, that it HAS to remain unnoticed); just
as realpolitik is usually avoided in speeches.

But, the fact that something serves a societal purpose in no way disqualifies the religion from
perhaps being a beacon to some underlying truth. A decision to decide there is no such basis
is as much a matter of faith as that there is.

I did almost put a clause in about Christianity rather than just religion, since it is the most familiar to me at least.

I'd be interested in how other religions deal with the issue. Salvation seems such a fundamental draw for religion. Perhaps I'd find more honesty in a religion that didn't espouse that.
10  Gaming Stuff / Economic Games / Re: 18xx for newbies on: July 23, 2014, 12:26:01 pm
OK going to keep an eye out for a cheap copy of the new version of 1830 I think. Cheers for the replies.

The new one is the one I'm not sure has the short game.

Has anyone played the old 1830 PC game? Have thought about getting a copy of that to give it a go too.

Yes. It does the rules well. The AI is terrible though. But it gives you a nice hotseat version of the game.

Thanks, might grab the PC game.

Ah yes misread your original post, I'll check on the short game before I buy any.
11  General Category / Fuck it all / Re: Religion on: July 23, 2014, 11:57:20 am
... religion always seems self serving to me, people behave in a moral way because they fear punishment rather than behaving morally becuase they they think it's the right thing to do. Sure atheism can be seen as self serving, after all you are beholden unto yourself, but I see an honesty in that, my actions are my own. I think morality is a construct of society and I remain within that framework because I like being a part of society.

ALL human actions can be seen as purely selfish though. Even the most altruistic good feelings
one gets by helping those in need are at heart something which pleases the doer.

Cynic!  Grin No I get you, and you are right. There just seems something more false when it comes to religion at least to me. It's that offloading of guilt/blame to someone else. I feel bad for my bad actions and I always will. I don't believe there is any way of "atoning" for them beyond trying to make things better, I did bad things and I will live with that. Religion seems like a handy get out of jail free card.
12  General Category / Fuck it all / Re: Religion on: July 23, 2014, 11:50:34 am
Dunno that there IS a question. Just stating my belief about the underlying
role of religion (as opposed to spirituality), within a framework of social
institutions. It's something of a take on the 'opiate of the masses' side
of things - but the reality is that societies need institutions to survive,
and those institutions, AND the thinking which drive them, are geared
(by virtue of what DOES survive) toward the success of the society on
a competitive stage.

As to spirituality, it is bound up in religious beliefs. The institutionalized
religions help promote and indoctrinate thinking which goes hand in hand
with the societal role that religions play. But, there is something in spiritual
thinking which often seems more decisive in directing the thoughts of humans.
Not always - sometimes nationalism or other institutional ideals are more pervasive.
Nowadays, in the West, it seems celebrity and wealth may be greater driving forces -
which of course will be on a beeline for conflict with religious institutions based upon
humility and self-denial. Of course, Protestantism is in part to blame (or more ready
wealth for Protestantism) in pushing the glorification of earned wealth - it is a sign
(though no sure one) of having been saved under Calvinist principles, for example;
God helps those who help themselves and all.

Yeah I think I pretty much go along with that. After all humanism which is about as close to an institution as I get is a direct reaction to the institution of religion. An attempt to create something similar without the requirement of spirituality or faith...though some may disagree about the faith required for rational thought.
13  General Category / Fuck it all / Re: Religion on: July 23, 2014, 11:33:54 am
Yo bro!


No, I will not be punished for my sins. Jesus was punished for my sins. God will let you off because he was satisfied with the payment. Why is trusting in Jesus enough? I don't know, but it's reasonable for a sovereign God to deem what he will accept, and that's where he's placed the bar. He expects perfection, and provided a way for imperfect people to be counted as perfect.

What is it was on your deathbed though? Is God going to forgive someone who realises at the very last moment in their life that they have led a "bad" life?

Analogies are tough, because they're often just a pale shadow of the reality they're trying to portray. So I know its subject to be filled full of holes, but here is an analogy. Its like I got a speeding ticket. You can go to court and tell the judge you're sorry, but if he is a good judge (that is, strictly by the book doing his job) then he's going to say "OK, yeah, you're sorry, but the fine has to be settled." Now when you go to the clerk to pay, they don't care where the money comes from... they just want the fine paid. So imagine Jesus striding in, "I'll take that bill" and he throws down the cash. The government is satisfied, and you're credited as an Outstanding Citizen. Again, you can extend the analogy (Jesus won't go to traffic school if you're sent there), so I know there are holes, but like our wargames, its an abstracted picture.

Yeah I still struggle with this idea, doesn't it pretty much allow for any behaviour since Jesus died for those sins. Can't you just behave how you want and accept Jesus once you've "had your fun"?

And just making yourself better... no, not really going to help. Because my prior life as a rebel against him is still counted against me without someone who was perfect that can stand in for me. Not to mention, that even when we strive to be better, we're really not, let's be honest. We might stop obvious stuff like shoplifting, but continue to steal from work by fudging a timesheet or eeking out a few extra minutes for lunch. 

Yes sorry I meant "feel better about yourself". Isn't it to some extent self serving? You've done bad so in order to feel better about it you can use religion to wash away those bad thoughts. Isn't that a bit disengeuous?

Incidentally, this is also where I cringe, when detractors say religion was invented just so people can get through their day. Well, in my experience, nothing could be further from the truth.  My life became exponentially more difficult after being saved. I suddenly needed to become a real father for my kids, by dropping my selfish stuff and sacrificing for them. I suddenly needed to become a real husband for my lovely bride, and pick up the slack for so many things I left on her. I work hard to stay graceful and tactful with folks, out in the world and here on the 'webz. I feel bad (not guilty, mind you) for trashing others... Jesus saved me, the worst guy I know, so how can I attack someone on an Internet forum in hate? I have been made a stronger person, no question... but not to BE saved, but BECAUSE I have been saved.

I'm glad that religion has given you that, I'm actually quite envious of the feelings that people describe about religion and the peace it brings to their lives. I still can't manage it myself, religion always seems self serving to me, people behave in a moral way because they fear punishment rather than behaving morally becuase they they think it's the right thing to do. Sure atheism can be seen as self serving, after all you are beholden unto yourself, but I see an honesty in that, my actions are my own. I think morality is a construct of society and I remain within that framework because I like being a part of society.

Anyway, thanks for taking the time to answer. I really am fascinated by the subject, even though we are probably as far apart in regards to our belief as it is possible to get.
14  Gaming Stuff / Economic Games / Re: 18xx for newbies on: July 23, 2014, 03:50:21 am
OK going to keep an eye out for a cheap copy of the new version of 1830 I think. Cheers for the replies.

Has anyone played the old 1830 PC game? Have thought about getting a copy of that to give it a go too.
15  Gaming Stuff / User Fora / Re: User Blog Requests on: July 23, 2014, 03:47:58 am
Yeah go on then, might be fun. Thought about running some sort of forum game so could be a place to contain that.
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