Yo bro!
No, I will not be punished for my sins. Jesus was punished for my sins. God will let you off because he was satisfied with the payment. Why is trusting in Jesus enough? I don't know, but it's reasonable for a sovereign God to deem what he will accept, and that's where he's placed the bar. He expects perfection, and provided a way for imperfect people to be counted as perfect.
What is it was on your deathbed though? Is God going to forgive someone who realises at the very last moment in their life that they have led a "bad" life?
Analogies are tough, because they're often just a pale shadow of the reality they're trying to portray. So I know its subject to be filled full of holes, but here is an analogy. Its like I got a speeding ticket. You can go to court and tell the judge you're sorry, but if he is a good judge (that is, strictly by the book doing his job) then he's going to say "OK, yeah, you're sorry, but the fine has to be settled." Now when you go to the clerk to pay, they don't care where the money comes from... they just want the fine paid. So imagine Jesus striding in, "I'll take that bill" and he throws down the cash. The government is satisfied, and you're credited as an Outstanding Citizen. Again, you can extend the analogy (Jesus won't go to traffic school if you're sent there), so I know there are holes, but like our wargames, its an abstracted picture.
Yeah I still struggle with this idea, doesn't it pretty much allow for any behaviour since Jesus died for those sins. Can't you just behave how you want and accept Jesus once you've "had your fun"?
And just making yourself better... no, not really going to help. Because my prior life as a rebel against him is still counted against me without someone who was perfect that can stand in for me. Not to mention, that even when we strive to be better, we're really not, let's be honest. We might stop obvious stuff like shoplifting, but continue to steal from work by fudging a timesheet or eeking out a few extra minutes for lunch.
Yes sorry I meant "feel better about yourself". Isn't it to some extent self serving? You've done bad so in order to feel better about it you can use religion to wash away those bad thoughts. Isn't that a bit disengeuous?
Incidentally, this is also where I cringe, when detractors say religion was invented just so people can get through their day. Well, in my experience, nothing could be further from the truth. My life became exponentially more difficult after being saved. I suddenly needed to become a real father for my kids, by dropping my selfish stuff and sacrificing for them. I suddenly needed to become a real husband for my lovely bride, and pick up the slack for so many things I left on her. I work hard to stay graceful and tactful with folks, out in the world and here on the 'webz. I feel bad (not guilty, mind you) for trashing others... Jesus saved me, the worst guy I know, so how can I attack someone on an Internet forum in hate? I have been made a stronger person, no question... but not to BE saved, but BECAUSE I have been saved.
I'm glad that religion has given you that, I'm actually quite envious of the feelings that people describe about religion and the peace it brings to their lives. I still can't manage it myself, religion always seems self serving to me, people behave in a moral way because they fear punishment rather than behaving morally becuase they they think it's the right thing to do. Sure atheism can be seen as self serving, after all you are beholden unto yourself, but I see an honesty in that, my actions are my own. I think morality is a construct of society and I remain within that framework because I like being a part of society.
Anyway, thanks for taking the time to answer. I really am fascinated by the subject, even though we are probably as far apart in regards to our belief as it is possible to get.