Just want to say that I finally got in a play of King Philip's War. I've become (perhaps irrationally) skeptical of games with rulesets so short that you can read them whole you're playing, but this was fun. Maybe I've been doing it wrong. I do think it blows when Church shows up early, but hey, whaddya gonna do? **** happens.
I don't care about posts...I just want to make sure my hard earned Karma transfers.
Ooooh! Good point!
No. You can't move your Karma over. Everybody loves what you post and gives you Karma left and right. Those of us who are less pithy need to be able to transfer our Karma to get a head start on the likes of you.
I NOW HAVE A SYSTEM. Tah DAH: I get online, seek out any player summaries and helpful bits. I d.load and print the rule book (you better provide a f#$%king ) living rule book or else... I scan it and post it on my Google Drive to share. I then mark up in pencil, I make notes. If there is no summary I typically write my own, albeit brief, short hand version, not really shareable.
I've tried the PDF on tablet to little avail. I need a physical copy to digest the game. Bravo to those that can do it.