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 on: July 26, 2014, 09:23:56 pm 
Started by Calandale - Last post by Calandale
Okay - we're in the process of setting up a replacement site before this place gets too big.

I doubt I can move the db. Thought I might be able to with a $25 one month fee, but this place seems to run on an old
version. I'm not locking things down here for a while, but be warned not to put too much effort in right now.

 on: July 26, 2014, 09:20:54 pm 
Started by desertfoxleo - Last post by usrlocal
I think that unless you're playing at an unconstrained grand strategic level you're going to get this in one way or another. Such directives are often baked into the victory conditions, for example, even if you're not overtly forced to carry out such an offensive with your units. One way or another, in a wargame, you're going to be on train tracks of some sort. I've seen a few 'sandbox' wargames that transcend this, such as 'Amateurs to Arms', but not often.

 on: July 26, 2014, 09:13:19 pm 
Started by Shauneroo - Last post by usrlocal
I shook Jimmy Carter's hand before he was President.

This reminds me of that story about Amy Carter and the Butthole Surfers...

 on: July 26, 2014, 09:12:40 pm 
Started by Shauneroo - Last post by usrlocal
I met Muhammad Ali once.  My wife worked at a museum in Washington DC where they held the premiere party for Jurassic Park.  So my wife and I and some of her co-workers crashed the party.  The stars of Jurassic Park were there, and so was Spielberg.  And Ali.  So I went to shake his hand and said it was a pleasure to meet him.  I was kinda tongue-tied about it...

I'm sure he gets that a lot. Pretty good party crash, there, btw.

 on: July 26, 2014, 09:12:08 pm 
Started by desertfoxleo - Last post by desertfoxleo
So I've been playing my first game ever of Eric Lee Smith's Across 5 Aprils, a collection of five different American Civil War battles in one box. In specific, I've been playing the Gettysburg scenario. As I have noted earlier, I am quite enjoying the game, especially the uncertainty generated by the "chit-pull" system. However, I do see one 'issue' that I believe critics of the game have discussed in the past - the combat chit pull, and with it, the requirement to either attack or withdraw from any enemy zones of control. In my case, I am approaching the end of the daylight of the second day, and the Rebs may be on the brink of victory. They currently hold both Round Top and Little Round Top, and I believe they are close to having at least 1.5 times the victory points of the Union. However, as luck would have it, the Confederate Combat Chit has just been pulled, at a time when the Rebel units holding Little Round Top are in contact with Union forces. The choice for the Confederate side (I'm playing solo, by the way)  is either attack these adjacent Union units or voluntarily give up Little Round Top and retreat. The Confederates really have no choice at this point but to attack, because there is only one turn left before sundown and victory determination. So, we have the Confederates securely holding a victory location, and there's really no incentive for the Rebel commander to attack (in this case, the area in question is mostly held by units of Longstreet's corps, with help from a division of Ewell's corp attached.) The logical and "realistic" thing to do would be to sit tight on Little Round Top and let the Union boys try their best to knock off the Rebs. But no, the game mechanics won't allow that.

What to think of a game system that at times will essentially demand that a player do something that, given their druthers, they'd never do? Now, I realize that the entire point of the chit-pull system is to simulate the confusion and uncertainty that permeates a combat situation. I can pretty easily rationalize from a narrative viewpoint that maybe Lee, not being near the portion of the battlefield in question, sent orders for Longstreet to attack and that maybe Longstreet feels compelled to follow that order, despite what would have to be a great deal of doubt on his part. Or maybe one could imagine that Hood recklessly ordered his men to charge the Union positions based on his own reading of the situation. In effect, I could come up with a whole bunch of plausible 'reasons' for the Confederates to make what, in competitive game terms at least, is a nonsensical attack.

I'm going to guess that A5A is not the only game out there that can produce such situations, but I'm not immediately familiar with any other games I've played where this has arisen. So I ask you, how do such situations make you feel, from the viewpoint of a:
1) competitive game player
2) casual game player
3) role-playing minded game player, and/or
4) a history-minded game player

 on: July 26, 2014, 09:10:21 pm 
Started by Shauneroo - Last post by Shauneroo
I met Muhammad Ali once.  My wife worked at a museum in Washington DC where they held the premiere party for Jurassic Park.  So my wife and I and some of her co-workers crashed the party.  The stars of Jurassic Park were there, and so was Spielberg.  And Ali.  So I went to shake his hand and said it was a pleasure to meet him.  I was kinda tongue-tied about it...

That's way too good for this thread.

 on: July 26, 2014, 09:08:52 pm 
Started by Calandale - Last post by Shauneroo
The idea of warfare has to appeal.

Sounds like marriage.

 on: July 26, 2014, 09:01:18 pm 
Started by desertfoxleo - Last post by ElFluppe
I miss things like the loose cannon. I DEFINITELY am not happy with stragglers being abstracted the way in which they are. Taking the gun loss table out, and adding losses (which can be recovered!)
is again a situation where I suspect I'm losing little bits of the story. There's other stuff (like the
stoppage) that I can't even guess which way I'll feel. Ah, and no localized ammo depletion for
small arms fire. Also looks like you can't divert artillery ammo to other units - which seems actually
too restrictive. The steps in fire combat and melees have all been simplified too - each step told
a little bit of the story. It may all be as  more 'realistic', but there are details being burned away.

Completely forgot about the stragglers (proving that LOB has a point here?), but they were possibly the biggest issue for me as well when moving on to the new system (and close combat now that I think of it, no real fire table in the whole thing!  Cry). Yes, you do loose a lot of detail there, not from a gaming point of view, as the results will be the same with them or without them, but in perceived reality. Note however that incorporating stragglers into normal SP losses, but moving their actual occurence solely to the morale table makes them still both noticable and understandable.

 on: July 26, 2014, 08:56:34 pm 
Started by usrlocal - Last post by usrlocal

 on: July 26, 2014, 08:55:57 pm 
Started by Shauneroo - Last post by Calandale
I shook Jimmy Carter's hand before he was President.

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