That seems shallow and elitist... to me anyway.
I certainly don't agree with this. There are TONS of games out there, and we have limited time. I can certainly understand if someone wished to play enough of something to get really good, with the hopes of making it "their" game for the rest of their lives. Let's be honest... there are some complex games out there that really do require an intellectual, economic, and temporal investment. So one with such an inclination would certainly be interested in choosing a game/system that is well supported, advertised for, and continues to attract some kind of fan base.
Would anyone still be playing World in Flames, if it never evolved through rules updates and expansions? What if wifwendell had tacked himself onto SPI's old Cobra in the 80's? Would he still be playing it? And does cobrawindell have the same ring?

I think I'd be fine getting back into SFB, where I left off. Or Car Wars. I don't know
how much further support these games got, but dead is not an issue in and of itself.
The CWB series IS dead - but, hasn't really needed any tinkering for a long time (even
if Dean kept doing so). While something may be too rough around the edges early
on for a lifetime commitment, once a game reaches a solid state, I don't see why
it matters that someone keeps changing things.