From chaos comes entropy, not order.
This is your ship Captain. To allow a free wheel becomes detrimental.
It's time to focus. (And no, I'm not talking about being Thor with a ban hammer
My interest lies in design, publishing, theory, modeling. I'm trying to build up something that attracts names. The old school probably won't show. They have lived under the old system their whole lives. But those who try new things may just show up. I'm going after them directly. I have been working on a project that has me gathering information on designers from all over the world.
We are at the point where the hobby grows or the hobby dies. The crowd funding world is dismantling the old ways. Designers don't have to settle for less now. I am working on a series of books whose whole purpose is to grow a new breed of player and designer.
A lot of people are not going to like it but I feel the need to complete these projects and at least try to bring some light back on the subject. My work will be like a Phoenix. Burn the old world to give birth to the new. Gaming is becoming more important every day. Look up gamification if you want to see how important.
There will be those that emulate the old world, but that world is slowly passing. Over the next five years you will see the drop off from pure attrition. Sphere just showed up over at BGG after a 14 month absence. I had begun to wonder myself if he was gone.
This place can be very important. You belittle it and I don't understand why. I tried something like this once. I would have given my testicles to have the results you have here.
I plan on going through and cleaning up my mess here and people can think what they want. A little fire to get things heated up is one thing. But you can't play grab ass forever. They expect this to fail and it will without constant work and vigilance. You have done more than a man's job and now it's time to start shaping the clay.
I know you are going to come back with something about this not being a big deal and how this place will stay small if it stays at all. I would ask you to trust me on this. Big changes are coming.
You can look at the numbers here and see what could benefit from harvesting possibly from other sites. Wargames are doing well, but other genres need attention and they are my weak point but not yours. Your taste in games provides a great start to look for others to come join us.
Chief, you got a great house here that can provide the way forward for both your personal interests and the benefit it can bring to a divided community. Youth wins and that's why I'm going after them. New blood must be found and I'm doing everything in my power to bring it.
I understand if you don't see eye to eye on anything I'm saying. But I'm 50 years old and I made a life out of analyzing trends, data and human nature. I wouldn't be sitting here in this chair now if I didn't get it right at least part of the time.
Now I need a couple weeks to straighten this office up and get all my gear hooked back up and start laying the pavement for a new road. I hope you stick with this. It's the only life raft in what's about to become some choppy seas.