Yeah well I will take the real life team winning (it is just that - if you are left with titles with Hawks players from the early 2000's on them ... I guess it is a bit depressing

...) not that that ever stopped me from dealing everyone off the team and ending up with 'superstars' like Ladislav Nagy on it -where I made him a serial 50 goal scorer -especially teams with Marc Savard, and Vincent Lacavallier -who for whatever reason their respective computer GMs were willing to trade garbage for and I was happy to unload.
94/95 - I guess those were too easy - once you learn how to pass to create a breakaway - you could run up the score nicely. . . (and the Hawks having a decent team... I think I had Roenick averaging a goal a game or more.).
Oh well... anyways ... I guess living in Australia - you get what you get. . .