Forum Curious
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WBC Prepping with:
Breakout Normandy War of the Ring (2nd ed) Twilight Struggle Vegas Showdown Merchant of Venus Ra! Amun-Re Santa Fe Rails Yspahan Lost Cities
Mother-in-law gaming tonight.
Got in a four player game (with two newbies) of Arkham Horror using Yig as the GOO. Ended up closing all of the open gates (sealing five of them) for the win. Nothing too exciting along the way and I don't think the newbies enjoyed it all that much.
Also get in three games of King of Tokyo, which is a simple and fun game. Two wins for my wife and one for my son.
Tomorrow night we'll have our first run at Mice and Mistics.
Fancy Lad
Forum Malcontent

Posts: 107
Tell you what, Smithers- have him beaten to a pulp
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Doped up on valium to help with the vertigo. Tomorrow night it's Elevenses: The Card Game of Morning Tea, with the wife.
Look out honey, 'cause I'm using technology!
Magnificent Bastard
Forum Malcontent

Posts: 448
Tony Clifton's love child
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Got in a four player game (with two newbies) of Arkham Horror using Yig as the GOO. Ended up closing all of the open gates (sealing five of them) for the win. Nothing too exciting along the way and I don't think the newbies enjoyed it all that much.
Yig's a pushover. Azathoth FTW. 
Fancy Lad
Forum Malcontent

Posts: 107
Tell you what, Smithers- have him beaten to a pulp
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Mother-in-law gaming tonight.
Got in a four player game (with two newbies) of Arkham Horror using Yig as the GOO. Ended up closing all of the open gates (sealing five of them) for the win. Nothing too exciting along the way and I don't think the newbies enjoyed it all that much.
You should try adding some of the expansions for a little added complexity. And, for god's sake, always read the cards out loud, including any flavor text! It's a flavor text kind of game! Haven't played it in ages as five of the members of my old Ameritrash gaming group opened a brewery, and now I'm lucky if I see them once a month, and that's usually at the brewery! We used to have epic 8-player Arkham Horror parties. Sometimes we had 13 or 14 people show up and had to split into games of AH and Mansions of Madness. Great for Halloween parties.
Look out honey, 'cause I'm using technology!
Yig's a pushover. Azathoth FTW.  He always makes an appearance when playing with newbies though.  Funny thing is one of the first times we played Call of Cthulhu we ended up facing Yig at the end of mission. We were like, "Yig!?! Ha, we totally got this!". Fu cker put us under so much ice it'll be like 40,000 years before someone finds our bodies.
You should try adding some of the expansions for a little added complexity. And, for god's sake, always read the cards out loud, including any flavor text! It's a flavor text kind of game! We use them for experienced players, but I didn't want to overwhelm the newbies quite yet...
Magnificent Bastard
Forum Malcontent

Posts: 448
Tony Clifton's love child
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You should try adding some of the expansions for a little added complexity. And, for god's sake, always read the cards out loud, including any flavor text! It's a flavor text kind of game! We use them for experienced players, but I didn't want to overwhelm the newbies quite yet... The small-box ones are fairly easy to incorporate - 'Dark Pharaoh', 'King in Yellow'. But, yeah, stuff like 'Dunwich', 'Innsmouth', 'Kingport', etc. load on more chromey mechanics. Of the lot, 'Dunwich' is the best. It really improves the game. 'Innsmouth' is ok. 'Kingsport' isn't worth the hassle.
We all hated Dunwich. Something about any of the expansions where you have an extra board. You send some poor sap over to it to handle all of the weird shit going on there while everyone else gets to play the real game. I still think King in Yellow is the best one.
Magnificent Bastard
Forum Malcontent

Posts: 448
Tony Clifton's love child
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We all hated Dunwich. Something about any of the expansions where you have an extra board. You send some poor sap over to it to handle all of the weird shit going on there while everyone else gets to play the real game. I still think King in Yellow is the best one.
Yeah, I'm usually the schmo who ends up buying the train pass to hang out with the carnival geeks.  But 'Dunwich' is worth it for the Madness and Injury cards, even if you don't use the extra board.
Forum Curious
Posts: 36
Big dogs cocks.
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Recently played the battle of Kadesh from Chariots of Fire solo. Had quite a blast.
Forum Malcontent

Posts: 104
Fancy Tickled
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Doped up on valium to help with the vertigo...

I should have been a pair of ragged claws Scuttling across the floors of silent seas.
- TS Eliot: The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock.
Fancy Lad
Forum Malcontent

Posts: 107
Tell you what, Smithers- have him beaten to a pulp
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Doped up on valium to help with the vertigo...
 It's much better these past few days than it has been over the past few weeks. Basically, if the Epley Maneuver doesn't clear the "rocks" out of your inner ear, you pretty much just have to wait it out. I do exercises to help my brain adapt to the balance issue, and I can move around and do pretty much anything normally. Can't sleep on my right side, though, and focusing my eyes downward (such as on a gameboard) still makes me feel spacey. But I did play Elevenses tonight with the wife. Really fun little card game.
Look out honey, 'cause I'm using technology!