Forum Malcontent

Posts: 983
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« on: July 22, 2014, 03:36:51 pm » |
Last time I made a break-away board, it was also a place to liberalize things - in that case it was providing everyone who was 'trusted' (a fairly weak criteria - you needed only one sponsor) full admin privs. There, the goal was really more a political experiment than anything else; a reaction to a board I was on that had tried more democratic administration, but where the users basically voted the democracy away. In the end, everything largely settled down, and it just became something of a comfortable space for the people there.
Here, I wanted free speech, so that people could go at one another to whatever degree they desired, without any real moderation. Other than the recent spat about religion though, this place threatens to turn into a love-fest. I wonder if that's just small-group dynamics at play? It's an interesting thought though.
In real life, I've always served something of a peacemaking function. Yeah, there are people who despise me - but sometimes that stands in that position too (my parents often had to team up against me, for example, thereby giving up on their own disputes). Women I've been with have claimed they never knew such peace before me. It's a strange place for someone who feels his own life is always grating rocks of angst against one another.
Passive Aggressive Gamer
Forum Malcontent

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« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2014, 03:53:48 pm » |
It's still early... give it time.
Also, once the population creeps up a little more, it will get more heated.
Forum Malcontent

Posts: 983
I mock you
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« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2014, 04:45:15 pm » |
IF. It's a big if.
Which is why I said small group dynamics. Basically, cliques tend to form, and those outside wander away.
Forum Malcontent

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« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2014, 05:01:43 pm » |
I'll just make a thread about the illegitimate state of Israel and watch the bullets fly. 