Forum Malcontent

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« on: July 22, 2014, 12:47:28 am » |
Here was a campaign I was contemplating. Some of the ideas might well pertain to a historical basis as well.
Players would each start out with a frigate captain, playing out some scenarios from the captain's game listing. Enough successes, and they would be promoted to a larger ship, and eventually to a small squadron commodore. Scenarios would be upgraded based upon what players did - and it all would be influenced by random external events (war ect). Eventually, people would get to full admiral status (though not all at once!), and they could start cultivating both NPC factions as well as one another, in order to make a play for the Empire as a whole.
Victory would be a set of points, which the winner would have to share based upon promises made. The game would continue until a player actually reached the throne.
Leo Z from BGG
Forum Curious
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« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2014, 06:55:16 am » |
That sounds pretty cool. I still have my SFB stuff from back in the 80's, though I haven't played it in years. If I were to start up again, I'd be up to use whatever you develop here. Back in the 80's, this came as close as anything to a "lifestyle game" for me, though we switched to "Starfire", because my group preferred fleet battles, and in SFB, it was (and I believe still is) difficult for one person to command more than two ships at a time.
The Klingons are definitely a good choice for a Civil War campaign, though I suppose the Romulans might also work with such a premise. Actually, just about any faction, perhaps other than the Feds, would be potential "Civil War" candidates, since we really don't know that much about the governance systems of the Kzintis, Lyrans, Gorn, or Hydrans.
Forum Malcontent

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« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2014, 11:33:03 am » |
I generally did battles of 11 ships per side - usually solo. 
Passive Aggressive Gamer
Forum Malcontent

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« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2014, 12:52:18 pm » |
The Frigate Captain's Game (from the Advanced game, IIRC) is fantastic. Some of the most fun I've had with SFB. This sounds like a terrific expansion on the idea taking it to a completely different level.
Might take a while to play, tho.
Forum Malcontent

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« Reply #4 on: July 22, 2014, 01:19:11 pm » |
Yeah. Figured it would be about as big as the sector defense one (depending on how quickly promotions come).
Trying to remember how I used playing cards in it - I think they assigned missions, but that they also had an influence on the final showdown alliances. I wrote it all up somewhere, but my SFB stuff is across the continent. It was never a solidified design (like nearly everything I do), or I would have posted it on Web Grognards long ago.
I can't wait to play that ... someday...
Forum Curious
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« Reply #5 on: July 23, 2014, 08:19:50 pm » |
I generally did battles of 11 ships per side - usually solo.  When you write your manifesto be sure to thank ADB! lol That's totally insane dude...
Forum Malcontent

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« Reply #6 on: July 23, 2014, 08:38:49 pm » |
It's not that bad. In fleet battles, most ships do the same thing they did previously. There's not a lot of room for surprise, unless you play with completely hidden cloaked ships. Don't think I got the Romulans into the game ever.
Forum Malcontent

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« Reply #7 on: July 27, 2014, 05:15:16 am » |