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« on: July 24, 2014, 09:38:43 pm » |
I eat a lot of nuts. I need the protein since I'm a vegetarian.
There are so many to choose from and they are all so tasty. So what's your favorite?
Magnificent Bastard
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« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2014, 09:42:02 pm » |
Cashews. Nuts of the gods.
Leo Z from BGG
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« Reply #2 on: July 24, 2014, 10:07:18 pm » |
I recently got back from a vacation to Hawaii, so naturally I'm currently favoring macadamia nuts - especially dark chocolate covered ones!
Magnificent Bastard
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« Reply #3 on: July 24, 2014, 10:08:54 pm » |
I recently got back from a vacation to Hawaii, so naturally I'm currently favoring macadamia nuts - especially dark chocolate covered ones!
A couple of my friends just came back from Hawaii with, I kid you not, Spam-flavoured macadamia nuts. Stick with chocolate.
Passive Aggressive Gamer
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« Reply #4 on: July 24, 2014, 10:10:51 pm » |
Islanders love Spam (the "meat", not the email).
Cashews and macadamia nuts are strong choices. After careful consideration, I had to go almond. But would have picked either or both of those two if I could vote multiple times.
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« Reply #5 on: July 24, 2014, 10:14:16 pm » |
Pecans, Hazelnut, and Pine Nuts probably (are the latter really nuts? Ah well, peanuts aren't).
I also like coffee beans though.
Forum Malcontent

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« Reply #6 on: July 24, 2014, 10:51:59 pm » |
After much consideration (not really), I had to go with almonds.
It would be pistachios but they're too much a pain in the ass.
Cashews are probably the tastiest but they are so oily, I can't eat too many of them at once.
Almonds I can (and do) eat by the handful. Plus they're so good covered in sugary sweet stuff or salty spicy stuff. All around, almonds are the winner in my book.
« Reply #7 on: July 25, 2014, 06:56:50 am » |
Cashews. Nuts of the gods. Bingo!!! I eat more almonds than any other type though as a small handful of those and a glass of water can hold me over for quite some time if I feeling hungry.
Forum Malcontent

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« Reply #8 on: July 25, 2014, 07:12:09 am » |
Cashews for sure.
Peanuts are second for me, but only if they're seasoned. I snagged some Royal Oak peanuts, and I love the Virginia Crabbers Peanuts... basically salted with Old Bay seasoning. Reminds me when I was a kid growing up in Virginia Beach, when I liked putting Old Bay on anything, popcorn, scrambled eggs, anything.
I like almonds unsalted.
Forum Curious
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« Reply #9 on: July 25, 2014, 10:53:09 am » |
its really great to meet a fellow vegetarian wargamer! cheers to you mate! I do not, however, eat much nuts and seeds they get stuck in my teeth I usually get protein from tofu or beans and rice sometimes, though, I bake granola bars with sunflower seeds in them
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Forum Malcontent

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its really great to meet a fellow vegetarian wargamer! cheers to you mate! I do not, however, eat much nuts and seeds they get stuck in my teeth I usually get protein from tofu or beans and rice sometimes, though, I bake granola bars with sunflower seeds in them
Cheers! Baked granola bars with sunflower seeds sounds delicious!
The Grinch
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Cashews. Nuts of the gods.
Likewise, though it's not really a nut.
Magnificent Bastard
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Cashews. Nuts of the gods.
Likewise, though it's not really a nut. It's the Twilight Struggle of nuts.
Still Alive
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Cashews. Nuts of the gods.
Likewise, though it's not really a nut. Nut or not, I voted cashews. I could eat those things all day. Almonds are a distant second.
Fancy Lad
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My parents drive down to Florida every year and always stop and get big bags of pecans from the big pecan tourist stops along I-75. Typically Adcock Pecans. We always have them bring us back a nice stock of pecans and pecan-related stuff.
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