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Gaming slump

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« on: July 25, 2014, 12:24:02 am »

 After 3 years hard in the hobby, I have hit a slump in my gaming habits, i tend to just stare at my games with the intention to play them and then not play them, or set up and stare then put it away, I have played almost all of them. Am i getting bored of the ones i have and need more or is it my a.d.d?, should i take a break?. Undecided
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« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2014, 12:30:58 am »

I've often had difficulty figuring out what to play,
but once I decide, I usually haven't turned away from the choice.
Having a goal has always helped me push through. Either the
walk through history (where I went to play through everything
again in order) or my vidding spree.

I used to go through periods though where I just didn't want to do
anything (not just gaming - anything at all). I'd usually just play them
out, wallowing in my autumness.
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« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2014, 07:23:07 am »

Take a break.

I take breaks from time to time. Sometimes the breaks are forced on me due to real life and other times I just need to prevent myself from burning out. When gaming seems to be more of an obligation ("I have all these games, I should be playing them") than a fun hobby it's time for me to step back for a while. Eventually the urge to play just for the sake of having fun returns and I get right back at it.
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Forum Curious
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« Reply #3 on: July 25, 2014, 10:47:25 am »

I feel the same way sometimes, and I do not have adhd or add
may I make some suggestions, in order of relevance:
1. take a nice hike.  nothing puts things in perspective like hiking
2. design your OWN game.  do the research and make the little pieces yourself
3. only you know if you are suffering from add.  most people with add learn how to overcome most of their symptoms by college-age. if you feel that you have not learned how to deal with symptoms of add or adhd, you should see a behavior-based therapist to help you devise a scheme to deal with the attention problems.  if you do not want anyone else to help, a good place to start would be david burns book "feeling good' which is an excellent guide to cognitive therapy and learning to solve your own mental and behavioral problems.  Ive used it, to great success
good luck
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« Reply #4 on: July 25, 2014, 10:51:37 am »

Take a break.

I take breaks from time to time. Sometimes the breaks are forced on me due to real life and other times I just need to prevent myself from burning out. When gaming seems to be more of an obligation ("I have all these games, I should be playing them") than a fun hobby it's time for me to step back for a while. Eventually the urge to play just for the sake of having fun returns and I get right back at it.

Yeah, this is generally my issue as well - if it starts to feel like I'm forcing it out of obligation, I'll take a little break and do other things.
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« Reply #5 on: July 25, 2014, 02:06:07 pm »

I often switch to computer gaming or catch up on some books, that usually does the trick and the urge to game returns.

Definitely have issues deciding on agame though.
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« Reply #6 on: July 25, 2014, 04:05:40 pm »

Sometimes I get into the 'wishing for the old days' with the college crew that played the same game over and over to figure out best strategies and compete against one another or find out that a game is "broken" after a single superior strategy is found.

With all the games being published nowadays and people buying them it seems more often than not we are playing the "new game game" over and over again, just learning new game rules and playing a game once or twice then on to another one. 

I guess I like the competitive side of a game with a group of equal opponents trying to get that sliver of advantage to build into a win.
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« Reply #7 on: July 26, 2014, 02:14:27 pm »

I'm in a slump at the moment too. Mostly due to a recent move. My games are out of boxes, but my tables are being used to paint cupboard doors...

I've been playing RPGs recently, which has taken time away from wargaming. This hobby is supposed to be fun though, so I don't sweat it. If it starts to feel like work, I'll be out for good!
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« Reply #8 on: July 26, 2014, 02:36:51 pm »

For myself wargaming is a study, part of a larger activity that includes studying the subject through docs, books, online research,etc. Sometimes I sit down to just look for the historical outcome and sometimes it is to see if I could do something different to affect the outcome.

Like the little game from DG on Angola. That got me to researching the subject to the point of making notes for either expanding on the little game or creating my own.

It's been a part of my life for so long it's like breathing.
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« Reply #9 on: July 26, 2014, 02:55:26 pm »

It's been a part of my life for so long it's like breathing.

It's been a major focus for me forever too, but sometimes, I do fall into
periods wherein I no longer seem to want to.
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« Reply #10 on: July 26, 2014, 03:08:58 pm »

With all the games being published nowadays and people buying them it seems more often than not we are playing the "new game game" over and over again, just learning new game rules and playing a game once or twice then on to another one.

This is what killed my enjoyment of the euro-gaming group I used to host. We'd play something new every damned week and almost never go back and replay anything. It frustrated my wife the most, who basically dropped out of the group once we added another person to cover for her. Eventually it burned me out as well and that along with some of the stupid internal bickering between members led me to give up my hosting duties once and for all.

With wargaming it hasn't been as much of an issue as I tend to spend the majority of my time with certain systems. This summer, for example, I've been going on a La Bataille run, which has been nothing short of awesome. It's amazing the little nuances and such that emerge from a ruleset when you spend a lot of time on it. I could probably prune my wargame collection down to four or five systems and be a happy man (of course making that initial decision on which four of five to stick with might be a little tough).
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« Reply #11 on: July 26, 2014, 03:12:52 pm »

My group are all pretty much card carrying members of the Cult of the New, so we don't replay too many games too often. We have a few favorite fillers that we keep coming back to at the end of the night, but for the most part, we play stuff one or two times and then move on to the latest and greatest. There are a few games we come back to over time, but not many.

It works for us, but I can see it not working for some groups or people.

My wargaming buddy and I tend to repeat play more often. Combat Commander is something we can play for a while. Or Up Front.
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« Reply #12 on: July 26, 2014, 03:20:57 pm »

I'm pretty much of the cloth of the Cult of the New - but with older games.

I don't tend to like replaying things often.
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« Reply #13 on: July 26, 2014, 04:46:00 pm »

The same thing happened to me over the last few years, but that was due to issues I have (had?) with depression. As I get better (actually going back to work soon!) my motivation to get a game down from the shelf gets better too.

Having said that though, I've just sold a shitload of games. Kind of a year zero thing.
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