Maybe I'll delete my account over there. The place is just stupid anyways.  I've thought about killing my main account several times now and just maintaining a non-supporter database only type account. Right now the only thing keeping me there is the AAC guild. I think this is the way to go for me as well. 
I had 2 geek mails just now. Both to do with the BGG marketplace. When I tried to respond it just says loading for "ever". I gave up. Am I blocked from geekmail? That would be a first.
Forum Malcontent

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I had 2 geek mails just now. Both to do with the BGG marketplace. When I tried to respond it just says loading for "ever". I gave up. Am I blocked from geekmail? That would be a first.
It may be the intention, but you can get around it by forwarding them to the sender. I don't remember if that was only happening when I was banned, or it the mail system is just fubar.
Forum Malcontent

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I just tried to open an old geekmail as a "Reply" and there was no slowdown. Seems to be working.
For what it is worth ...
I should have been a pair of ragged claws Scuttling across the floors of silent seas.
- TS Eliot: The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock.
I had to do a work around by clicking on the letter underneath there username. I cannot reply to geekmail.
Forum Malcontent

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I think it's a half-assed attempt to block them for banned folk then. Either that or a equally half-assed attempt to allow them.
Now 100% PnP
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I'm curious - when you guys say 'banned' do you mean suspension or banned?
My understanding was that when banned you can't do anything (never been that far down the road so I don't know firsthand).
When I got suspensions it was usually just for posting in the forums. I could access files and images. Once I couldn't use geek mail and once I could and the time I could I believe was the 7 day most recent suspension.
Just wondering...
Forum Malcontent

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They call it suspension. Everywhere else in the webz, it's banning.
Leo Z from BGG
Forum Curious
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Just stumbled upon this place, when I wondered where Calandale had gone. So, yeah, seems like another cycle of disillusionment with BGG is on the upswing, and it seems like a lot of it has to do with the moderation, once again. I myself have never had any run-ins with the "law" over there, but it seems that almost everyone else has on one occasion or another. Thing is, it's not the moderation that's becoming a problem for me, it's the increasingly banal and repetitive postings. I will freely admit, though, that I'm not really helping to create what I'm looking for either - I'm more of the problem than the solution. You know what I'd really like? I'd like meaty posts that are more like articles in the old wargaming mags of yore - Fire & Movement, Moves, Strategy & Tactics, Panzerfaust & Campaign. Except, we'd all be writing these articles, and commenting on each other's articles.
I'm part of the problem, though, because it's been some time since I've attempted to write such a post/article, and yet I'm waiting around for someone else to do the heavy lifting, while I simply sit back and wait for interesting things to magically appear. I don't think I'm lazy per se, but the normal rigors of living leave me precious little energy (or time) to craft the kind of content I'm talking about. I suspect that it's much the same for everyone else, which is why our dialog in the BGG wargames subdomain seems to have devolved into little more than a wargame-flavored Chit-Chat den. So, I find more and more that I'm just clicking through page after page of inane comments and snarky retorts over there, finding little or nothing of substance.
Of course, I'm not sure things will necessarily be any different anywhere else, here included. I've only just arrived here, so I haven't had a chance yet to explore, but I'd have to think the same problem I described above will manifest here as well - the lack of time/energy to create really engaging content. Plus, I recognize that not everyone has the same expectations or desires for a forum. I might be looking for a place where I can read an endless stream of immersive wargaming commentary, but others might just be wanting to relax and shoot the breeze, without fear of heavy-handed moderation. That's fine, of course, but it simply means to me that this nirvana I seek may be unobtainable, regardless of venue. So be it. I may keep dropping back in here from time to time, though force of habit is strong with me, which means I will still spend time at BGG, even if I do continue to find that content is becoming more and more sparse.
Magnificent Bastard
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Heya Leo! Good to see you here.
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You know what I'd really like? I'd like meaty posts that are more like articles in the old wargaming mags of yore - Fire & Movement, Moves, Strategy & Tactics, Panzerfaust & Campaign. Except, we'd all be writing these articles, and commenting on each other's articles.
Posts like that aren't really suited to fora, IMO. Forum posts are transient in nature. Little blurbs; sociability; and every now and then a knock down drag out fight about something, usually sparked by hyperbole on both sides. BGG's moderation inhibits the latter, so nothing with any meat on it CAN survive. Longer, more detailed analysis pays off better (in terms of recognition at least) when put in blogs or the like. It also retains a level of accessibility that forum posts cannot - as they sink off the page once no one is talking on them. There are some interesting bloggers at BGG worth following - though I can't think of one who does mainly wargame stuff.
Forum Malcontent

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Perhaps if this site captures some momentum
there is a need/desire/clamoring for it
it can be set up ...
... then perhaps hosting blogs here might be fun? For those that want to expound in some detail. Some day perhaps? Not yet though.
I should have been a pair of ragged claws Scuttling across the floors of silent seas.
- TS Eliot: The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock.
Forum Malcontent

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If someone wants to put effort in, I'll open up a board specifically for per-user blogs.
Fancy Lad
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Tell you what, Smithers- have him beaten to a pulp
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There are some interesting bloggers at BGG worth following - though I can't think of one who does mainly wargame stuff.
J.R. Tracy has a blog on the BGG website - Fun City Gaming. They play non-wargame stuff, but his focus is on wargames. He always posts great pictures - his gaming room is phenomenal. Just looking at the games lining his shelves in the background of each picture is kind of trip through gaming history. Also, although technically he has a BGG blog, it's mainly just links to his own hosted blog - Kev Sharp's Big Board blog comes readily to mind as a blog focused mainly on wargames.
Look out honey, 'cause I'm using technology!
Magnificent Bastard
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J.R. Tracy has a blog on the BGG website - Fun City Gaming. They play non-wargame stuff, but his focus is on wargames. He always posts great pictures - his gaming room is phenomenal. Just looking at the games lining his shelves in the background of each picture is kind of trip through gaming history. I always enjoy reading J.R.'s blog. One of the few remaining BGG highlights.