Forum Malcontent

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Fancy Tickled
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The Cult always welcomes new members  Or as we say in these parts 'the more the merrier'. Stop it you. Else I will tell my spouse about your evil plans for my wallet. THEN you will be in trouble!
I should have been a pair of ragged claws Scuttling across the floors of silent seas.
- TS Eliot: The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock.
Leo Z from BGG
Forum Curious
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This has been, by far, the most active year for MMP in my experience. When OCS Korea ships, that will make three (3) MMP pre-orders that I've received this year! Reluctant Enemies, The Mighty Endeavor, and then, Korea. I don't know if any of them will get to the table this year of course, but I'm looking to finally take that OCS plunge and see what all the fuss has been about!
I have to say, after years of wondering if MMP was hopelessly deadlocked in terms of producing new products or doing timely reprints, they do seem to have gotten their act together.
Forum Malcontent

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I have to say, after years of wondering if MMP was hopelessly deadlocked in terms of producing new products or doing timely reprints, they do seem to have gotten their act together.
Stephen (at BGG) had indicated they were restructuring their printing due to prior complaints. I think we're seeing the fruits of that finally.
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This is a different scale from The Blitzkrieg Legend yes?
Forum Malcontent

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3.5 mile hexes instead of 3; 3 day turns instead of 2, so yeah.
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Also, I need to contact MMP to see if Special Ops will have the errata counters for War of the Suns.
Per Adam Starkweather on CSW, the errata counters for War of the Suns didn't make this issue because they didn't have enough counter space because of the actual game that comes with Special Ops. So, boo-urns to that. Great so another Year until I consider playing. Ahh well, lots to crank on in the mean time.
I can't wait to play that ... someday...
Forum Curious
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I'm definitely in for Beyond the Rhine. What's kind of sad is that the way the supply & demand works lately with MMP products and the more popular GMT products is that you need to buy first and ask questions later. You can always sell your game for close to, if not more than, what you paid. However, if you wait - you can get locked out (expensively) from some great games. I get that it's a niche market and all, but does anyone else get the sense that the margin for ordering and getting your product is relatively short?
Forum Malcontent

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I'm definitely in for Beyond the Rhine. What's kind of sad is that the way the supply & demand works lately with MMP products and the more popular GMT products is that you need to buy first and ask questions later. I only feel that way about Gamer's products. GMT? They reprint often enough that IF something sells out fast, I'll be able to get it probably before I get to play it. Second editions are often improvements from GMT anyhow. The rest of MMP is probably the same as The Gamers, but I haven't felt the NEED to buy much - the quality is spotty, IMO.
I can't wait to play that ... someday...
Forum Curious
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That's a good point about GMT reprints...I'm probably just impatient! lol
MMP though it's definitely been my opinion. I've played little to no ASL in the last 18 months and yet I'm still buying everything ASL that gets released because it's impossible to get back on the hamster wheel (sheeple wheel?) once you've stepped off!
Forum Malcontent

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That's a good point about GMT reprints...I'm probably just impatient! lol
I'm often torn between buying some not to be reprinted soon stuff at inflated prices, and waiting for the reprint. Gave up waiting a lot of times - many of those games I haven't gotten to yet.
I can't wait to play that ... someday...
Forum Curious
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That's a good point about GMT reprints...I'm probably just impatient! lol
I'm often torn between buying some not to be reprinted soon stuff at inflated prices, and waiting for the reprint. Gave up waiting a lot of times - many of those games I haven't gotten to yet. Empire of the Sun is solidly in that group for me since January. I am banking, of course, on EotS getting reprinted in the CDG reprint group...
Empire of the Sun is solidly in that group for me since January. I am banking, of course, on EotS getting reprinted in the CDG reprint group... From what I understand that one is getting reprinted whether it hits its number of not.
I can't wait to play that ... someday...
Forum Curious
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Empire of the Sun is solidly in that group for me since January. I am banking, of course, on EotS getting reprinted in the CDG reprint group... From what I understand that one is getting reprinted whether it hits its number of not. You just made my evening. Thank you sir!
Forum Curious
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Well since I haven't tried OCS and don't play ASL or other tactical level games, MMP doesn't have much on its P500 for me right now. Except Warriors of Japan. Given how quickly Warriors of God sold, how well received it was, and how hard it's become to get, I'm kinda befuddled about WOJ not being out already.
Forum Curious
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Well since I haven't tried OCS and don't play ASL or other tactical level games, MMP doesn't have much on its P500 for me right now. Except Warriors of Japan. Given how quickly Warriors of God sold, how well received it was, and how hard it's become to get, I'm kinda befuddled about WOJ not being out already.
This man hasn't played ASL or OCS?!! Guards seize him!! 