What would you expect to see from a solid market "simu-game?"
Dunno really. I'd like something that handled take-overs well. Maybe something like the
whole dot com bubble - there were big players there trying to game the market big time.
Opportunities up for bidding from venture capital, with uncertain returns - and a lot of
stock in outside hands.
I agree that the tech segment would be awesome.
You could start in the 80s with IBM, Microsoft, Texas Instruments, and Bell Labs, etc. Just some big corporate boys jockeying R&D for position with investment houses helping to fund to improve their chances at return.
You could then have a scenario about the 90s from like 1997 - 2003 covering the first bubble.
You could then have a scenario about the current tech bubble that starts in 2007 - 2016? where you have lots of small players getting bought up, new market emergence with tablets and smartphones along with broader moves to "the cloud" and track how companies progressed over time from their R&D to buying R&D as a portfolio of techs that mix and match...Kind of a meta game that's not unlike the old Civilization but instead of Salt and Wheat you're trading cloud storage infrastructure and enterprise security or microprocessor manufacturing techniques.