Robin Hoodlum
Wizard of Ahhs
Forum Curious
Posts: 82
Makes war just for fun!
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This is how I eventually came to view the weekly gatherings I used to host. Don't do those anymore...
I'd have an easier time at my house. The idea of going out someplace where I can't smoke - that's really rough on me. Me too. That's why if we don't play in my basement, it's outside at somebody elses house. But then that sucks during the winter. 
"If you find yourself in a fair fight, you didn't plan your mission properly"- Colonel David Hackworth
Fancy Lad
Forum Malcontent

Posts: 107
Tell you what, Smithers- have him beaten to a pulp
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The breaks are nice. I enjoy solo gaming because I can move at my own pace, and I can mess around with strategy, set-up, etc without feeling like I'm wasting anyone's time. With face-to-face gaming, especially if it's multiplayer, you tend to feel a responsibility to not be the guy who's unprepared and wasting everyone's time, given how difficult it is to get multiple people together for several hours of gaming with all the different obligations of kids, wives, work, et al.
However, I've been fortunate that those concerns usually end up totally unfounded (though I still have them at the start of each new game, of course) with my current game group, where nobody ever complains about somebody not knowing the rules or time wasting or anything like that. It's a very social group, and everyone is very laid back. We all realize we're there to drink and socialize as much as game, but it's well balanced, so we usually accomplish our gaming objectives. Because I've also been at the opposite end of that spectrum, where the drinking and socializing starts to dominate, and suddenly you're herding cats to get people to pay attention to what's happening on the board.
Look out honey, 'cause I'm using technology!
Husband, Son, Uncle, Gamer....I do it all.
Forum Curious
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I prefer playing games multi-player, but I do have some solo specific games, as well as co-op games that I play solitaire. There are some of my games that are multi-player, that I PREFER to solo, like Space Hulk:Death Angel, and Medwar Sicily. I just find some games to be MORE enjoyable when I have control over every decision.
Real men play board games
Forum Curious
Posts: 49
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I really need some more solutions for leaving games setup, I'm seriously considering doing some DIY and creating some sort of hidden recess table for playing a big game. Going to be a tough sell to my wife though.
Some interesting conversation about game groups, and the dreading/draining situation. Guess I'm not alone there. Definitely an introvert in the true sense of the word. I like getting together for a game with friends, but I NEED to do solo gaming. I have to carve out that time to be by myself, and I struggle a little with people who just constantly want to be with other people.
Forum Malcontent

Posts: 983
I mock you
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I really need some more solutions for leaving games setup, I'm seriously considering doing some DIY and creating some sort of hidden recess table for playing a big game. Going to be a tough sell to my wife though.
These things seem like a great idea, but they interfere with the little breaks style of play. It ends up being so much effort to expose the game that it would suppress my desire to play. 
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I really need some more solutions for leaving games setup, I'm seriously considering doing some DIY and creating some sort of hidden recess table for playing a big game. Going to be a tough sell to my wife though.
Some interesting conversation about game groups, and the dreading/draining situation. Guess I'm not alone there. Definitely an introvert in the true sense of the word. I like getting together for a game with friends, but I NEED to do solo gaming. I have to carve out that time to be by myself, and I struggle a little with people who just constantly want to be with other people.
There's a custom table manufacturer, Geek Chic, that makes crazy gaming tables; one feature of these tables is a sliding cover that hides the game and doubles as a normal table surface. If doing DIY there's that kind of solution.
Forum Curious
Posts: 49
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I really need some more solutions for leaving games setup, I'm seriously considering doing some DIY and creating some sort of hidden recess table for playing a big game. Going to be a tough sell to my wife though.
These things seem like a great idea, but they interfere with the little breaks style of play. It ends up being so much effort to expose the game that it would suppress my desire to play.  Yeah I get that, I've tried other things and it always makes it an effort to get the thing back out again. We do have a desk my wife uses for work that I can use when she isn't working from home, so I probably just need to get better at clearing it ready for a game. Still we live in a small house so options are limited.
Forum Curious
Posts: 49
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There's a custom table manufacturer, Geek Chic, that makes crazy gaming tables; one feature of these tables is a sliding cover that hides the game and doubles as a normal table surface. If doing DIY there's that kind of solution.
I'd love one of those, but I'm not sure they sell in the UK and not sure I can afford to import one. That's kind of my idea, but on a lower budget. Ideally I'd have it uncovered most of the day while everyone is out, and just have it covered in the evening for eating and so on. I could then uncover it again for an evening session again once the children are in bed. So it probably wouldn't be too bad in terms of effort, would largely be uncovered.