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Disappointing to say the least if it's true. Had some high hopes for Dark Valley. Seemed pretty manageable overall.
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The game is fun and has several easy fixes to make playable. would not get rid of it yet. anyone going to WBC in Lancaster PA next week?
Passive Aggressive Gamer
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What fixes are those? I haven't picked this up yet, but it looks interesting.
Magnificent Bastard
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Tony Clifton's love child
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I'm a bit surprised with Racier. 'Case Yellow' also drew quite a bit of flak.
Forum Curious
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I'm a bit surprised with Racier. 'Case Yellow' also drew quite a bit of flak.
As did Stalins War and Barbarossa to Berlin
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I'm a bit surprised with Racier. 'Case Yellow' also drew quite a bit of flak.
As did Stalins War and Barbarossa to Berlin I was going to say... I feel like Racier's games have a reputation for being a bit broken a lot of the time.
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problems 1.fragile zoc for Germans. German corps lose zocs when flipped making easy for Russians to punch holes this is bad later in game 2.russians build up units and ZOCs to fast allowing layered defense 3. chit pulls are to random difficult to execute your plan even if all your chits come up in a row probable wrong order 4. only 1,2 pz hq getting second move
combat Zhukov was put in as the only way to stop me in case blue scenario from destroying Germans
solutions 1. corps keep zoc when flipped 2. until turn 5 all Russian 5-4 armies arrived flipped and can be built up when industrial production begins. all 5-4s turn 5 and after are full strength 3. active player chooses his first chit(s) per rules others set aside and a national control marker put in draw pile when your national marker drawn you choose which chit to play 4. player gets to choose which two pz hq get extra move with no restrictions most likely 2,3 pz hq in center other changes 1German pz, except SS, loose zoc and mech gain zoc German pz could not keep pockets closed not enough infantry in them had to get in div to help 2German air attacks anywhere during attack chit but only within command range of a pz hg during its attack phase when they are drawn 3German air may attack same hex as ground attack BEFORE ground attack made 4CRT change there is no reason for a German OOS stack not to attack at 6-1 worst result DR change when you have a die modifier that takes you off top of your chart you go to top of next lower chart if -1 or -2 5 one unit attacks all corps and army level units are exempt from this rule German inf corps may attack alone as can Russia inf armies
these are some of major revisions we are looking at I think the game is fun to play and worth considering
Forum Curious
Posts: 65
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I'm a bit surprised with Racier. 'Case Yellow' also drew quite a bit of flak.
As did Stalins War and Barbarossa to Berlin So does PoG, from an historical perspective though.