Love The Fall...been a fan for decades. Been filling in the collection recently. It's like trying to collect everything the Grateful Dead ever recorded.
I think Mark E.'s schedule is like wake up, get coffee, shot of liquor, record new album.
Good choice...glad I 'tested' with that one.

Awesome! Colour me pleasantly surprised - Fall fans are relatively few and far between.
I too have been getting caught up on their most recent stuff, from 2006 onward. Did a recent massive binge-buy mostly off of Your Future Our Clutter, Imperial Wax Solvent (scored it for about $15 - CD is going for about $200 on the American and Canadian Amazons, go figure), Ersatz GB, Re-Mit, and The Remainderer EP. I now have pretty much all of their studio albums except for Reformation: Post TLC, Code Selfish and Shift Work. I used to own the latter two on vinyl back in the day, but haven't yet got the CDs.
Oh, and I have about 200 bootleg recordings.