And now I must contend, that M.L.C.W.B.'s are the ONLY way
in which one can be sure of line-of-sight between units
you cant visualize line of sight. it must be portrayed with a string
or thread
stretched between the firing unit and the target
you just cant do that on a flat board
its a process of 3D geometry which cannot be resolved using a two dimensional map
To the extent that the games I play require it... yes I can.
And if we're going to obsess on LOS, then you'll need to integrate weather, ground foliage, and smoke to your map.
Everything, EVERYTHING in a wargame is an abstracted reduction in complexity from The Real Thing. To say that "a process of 3D geometry... cannot be resolved using a two dimensional map" is just silly.
Firing a bullet is a process of physics, and we resolve it just fine with dice.