Forum Malcontent

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« on: July 20, 2014, 01:39:59 am » |
The coolest race-style game that I've played is actually Triplanetary, by GDW. Most of the scenarios are military, but just moving the spaceships around the gravity wells is tough enough.
Fancy Lad
Forum Malcontent

Posts: 107
Tell you what, Smithers- have him beaten to a pulp
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« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2014, 09:57:27 am » |
When I was in fifth grade, I wrote a short story about two luxury space cruisers racing each other around the solar system. I was inspired by the Titanic, and the old 'races' of that era to see which ship could cross the Atlantic the fastest. Except instead of simply comparing speeds on their separate trips, these ships literally raced against each other - leaving at the same time, if not necessarily taking the exact same route. And, they were giant spacecraft instead of ocean-going vessels.
I always thought something like that would make an interesting game. You'd have a certain amount of money to work with, to build your ship, but you wouldn't be able to focus just on speed and handling alone - you'd also have to pay attention to luxury accoutrements! These are luxury space liners, remember! So even if your ship is the fastest, if it's not also the most luxurious, it can cost you! Then you'd have to plot your route - you could take the more dangerous route, that might get you there faster, but you could end up like the Titanic, so...
Look out honey, 'cause I'm using technology!
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2014, 10:58:26 am » |
As long as they can make the Kessel Run in under twelve parsecs...