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« on: July 21, 2014, 07:43:47 am » |
I am a newb to war games. I own a copy of Sword of Rome, CC:N and Twilight Struggle. I am getting increasingly interested in historical wargames, but I haven't played anything meatier than those three. I was at my local gaming store recently and had in my hand Unconditional Surrender and my daughter noticed on the back the playing time of 30 minutes to 50 hours. AWESOME I thought. However, is it best just to jump right in, or should I take a different approach with a lighter game, but heavier than the ones I have? Thoughts?
Magnificent Bastard
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« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2014, 07:47:06 am » |
I haven't played US yet, so can't comment on it as 'the next step'. But what you might also want to look at is 'No Retreat: The Russian Front'.
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« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2014, 07:54:48 am » |
I haven't played US yet, so can't comment on it as 'the next step'. But what you might also want to look at is 'No Retreat: The Russian Front'.
Thanks! I will check that one out.
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« Reply #3 on: July 21, 2014, 09:57:12 am » |
I haven't played US yet, so can't comment on it as 'the next step'. But what you might also want to look at is 'No Retreat: The Russian Front'.
Great choice. No Retreat North Africa Front is cool too. Also, I'd like to add Red Winter to the mix. It comes with player aids specifically for new players, complete with a "START HERE" list. The rules are also in a phased format, with accompanying scenarios that ease you into the full game.
« Reply #4 on: July 21, 2014, 10:25:18 am » |
Also, I'd like to add Red Winter to the mix. It comes with player aids specifically for new players, complete with a "START HERE" list. The rules are also in a phased format, with accompanying scenarios that ease you into the full game. All of that AND Red Winter just rocks!! 
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« Reply #5 on: July 21, 2014, 10:59:32 am » |
US is a very good game. The smaller scenarios are comparable to a stripped down No Retreat.
An easy way to decide if you're ready for it would be to make a PnP copy of Unconditional Surrender: Case Blue.
Forum Curious
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« Reply #6 on: July 21, 2014, 11:08:47 am » |
US is a very good game. The smaller scenarios are comparable to a stripped down No Retreat.
An easy way to decide if you're ready for it would be to make a PnP copy of Unconditional Surrender: Case Blue.
How long do the smaller scenarios take to play roughly? I keep eyeing this one. I have the pnp game so I'm going to give that a go before I decide.
Forum Curious
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« Reply #7 on: July 21, 2014, 11:13:44 am » |
I'd also recommend something from th Men of Iron series if the period interests you at all. They aren't overly complex games but they have a really nice flow to them. I've recently been playing Blood & Roses which I really like, but I love the movement in Infidel, a very cinematic kind of battle emerges.
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« Reply #8 on: July 21, 2014, 11:14:56 am » |
The PnP is about as short as any interesting scenarios are. Some of the training ones are shorter though. I'm guessing somewhere in the 2-4 hour range. The thing to remember is that there's a lot more to UC than what's in Case Blue, the politics and economics are well done (though different from a lot of earlier games).
Now 100% PnP
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« Reply #9 on: July 22, 2014, 02:28:12 am » |
Red Winter is an excellent choice due not only to being a great classic style wargame but all the support for it and the bite size chunks really lets you enjoy the narrative. It is an amazing story. CSI is the place to put together a great package of GMT titles right now. They have several titles in the $23.50 - $35.00 range that have a lot of bang for the buck and if you go with the free shipping by getting $100 worth it is a huge cash saving. Current titles in that range include: Chandragupta (GBoH) Chariots of Fire (GBoH) Dead of Winter (AWC) Devil's Horsemen: The Mongol War Machine in the 13th Century (GBoH) FAB: Sicily Nightfighter The entry starts here http://www.coolstuffinc.com/page/716And as the name says I am heavy into PnP. It's all about picking the right printer and materials (having a laser printer is great for rules - with color of course it's all about the ink carts) and you can make everything from no assembly required all the way up to a monster game that is available at no cost (the designer is a very cool guy). And there are a lot of titles to choose from. Let me know and I'll zip up a bundle for you to look over (these are all available free from the designers). And welcome to The Box...if you need anything just post...there's a lot of wargame experience in here.
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So many great suggestions. I will try Case Blue out first and post back my thoughts with any questions.
Magnificent Bastard
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So many great suggestions. I will try Case Blue out first and post back my thoughts with any questions.
Forum Curious
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So many great suggestions. I will try Case Blue out first and post back my thoughts with any questions.
Oh... Unconditional Surrender Case Blue, not the OCS Case Blue I don't see any reason why the published US would be to complex for a newb. The rules are well done and the individual systems are not that complex. There are scenarios that aren't just smaller in scope, but only require a limited set of the rules. [The first is purely ground combat with one side being able to commit air support; the second walks you through an amphibious invasion and the weather mechanic; the third adds in production (I think); the fourth diplomacy; and it seems like there is a 5th as well, but I can't remember it.] The training scenarios can be played very quickly to get up to speed, and then if you want you should be able to jump into the full campaign no problem.
Magnificent Bastard
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Oh... Unconditional Surrender Case Blue, not the OCS Case Blue Oh, ok. *phew!*
The Great Kha
Forum Curious
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Red Winter is an excellent choice due not only to being a great classic style wargame but all the support for it and the bite size chunks really lets you enjoy the narrative. It is an amazing story. CSI is the place to put together a great package of GMT titles right now. They have several titles in the $23.50 - $35.00 range that have a lot of bang for the buck and if you go with the free shipping by getting $100 worth it is a huge cash saving. Current titles in that range include: Chandragupta (GBoH) Chariots of Fire (GBoH) Dead of Winter (AWC)Devil's Horsemen: The Mongol War Machine in the 13th Century (GBoH) FAB: Sicily Nightfighter The entry starts here http://www.coolstuffinc.com/page/716And as the name says I am heavy into PnP. It's all about picking the right printer and materials (having a laser printer is great for rules - with color of course it's all about the ink carts) and you can make everything from no assembly required all the way up to a monster game that is available at no cost (the designer is a very cool guy). And there are a lot of titles to choose from. Let me know and I'll zip up a bundle for you to look over (these are all available free from the designers). And welcome to The Box...if you need anything just post...there's a lot of wargame experience in here. Kind of off topic, but I've been considering picking up Dead of Winter. I've heard horrid things about the level of errata etc, and this has turned me off. Does anyone here have experience with the game and can advise me one way or the other.
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