Forum Malcontent

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Fancy Tickled
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Downsizing would be a difficult and, for some of us, slightly emotional act. Money is not the only thing we invest into these bloody games.
I suppose you just have to be realistic and slightly ruthless. What were you aiming for .... removing 50+ games was it? 70?
I am not sure how I would go about it myself, but I suppose one way would be to rank them all. Or at least categorize them into groups of varying priority. I do not envy you this task, but I admire your pursuit. Good luck!
I should have been a pair of ragged claws Scuttling across the floors of silent seas.
- TS Eliot: The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock.
Magnificent Bastard
Forum Malcontent

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Tony Clifton's love child
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I'd be talking about letting go of 50-100 wargames. Why won't it happen? Two reasons: laziness and sentimentality. Probably just as well.
Forum Malcontent

Posts: 104
Fancy Tickled
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Your post has me looking over my own collection. Sort of a "what if" scenario...
Somehow, and I do not know exactly how, I have shot over 200 games. I thought I was in the 190s and a few days ago culled a bunch from my "Want In Trade" list. If anything, it should be lower (not sure if the trade games are counted).
Anyway, there are certainly some I could part with and not end up quivering in the fetal position. 50 to 100 thought would be tough.
I should have been a pair of ragged claws Scuttling across the floors of silent seas.
- TS Eliot: The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock.
Fancy Lad
Forum Malcontent

Posts: 107
Tell you what, Smithers- have him beaten to a pulp
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I don't understand the desire to cull collections. I get too much enjoyment out of perusing my game shelves. I have an easier time selling books, though I enjoy going through my bookshelves almost as much.
Look out honey, 'cause I'm using technology!
Forum Malcontent

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I'm at about the point where I start getting rid of stuff, or stop buying.
Passive Aggressive Gamer
Forum Malcontent

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Yep, space. The only reason I get rid of games is to make enough room for more games. It's like they start breeding when I turn out the lights.
Forum Curious
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Bareass birdness -- look at me!
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Yep, space. The only reason I get rid of games is to make enough room for more games. It's like they start breeding when I turn out the lights.
Oooo.. That would be awesome. Imagine what the child of Case Blue and ASL would look like. Hideous monster? The second coming? You decide!
Forum Malcontent

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Advanced Blue Balls
Professional Rules Lawyer
Forum Curious
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We went through that process a couple of years ago. Way too expensive! It would be more cost effective to buy a bigger house. Seeing as how I have one kid just going off to college and another two years behind, it'll be a while before I can upgrade my gaming space. (Damned kids!)
Sounds to me like you'll have one extra gaming room shortly and another in two years... (of course, I already keep my unassembled minis, robust terrain, and lighter Euros in my four-year-old's room)
The Grinch
Forum Curious
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Soylent Green™ is made out of sheeple!
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I managed to sell enough at a flea market to keep my collection at a steady size in spite of new acquisitions. The biggest downsizing I did was last year when I sold about 300 books to a local dealer.
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I'm close to hitting my shelf limit for games so I've been selling off some titles over the last few months to make sure I had room for all the stupid preorders I know are imminent. Still have another pile waiting to get offered up for sale.
I don't get too sentimental, though. I find I look at a game and just realize it's time to break up. I also tend to find myself gravitating more toward systems so that when I finally decide to make soloing more of a priority (need my young kids to get a little older and think I'm embarrassing), I won't have such a learning curve for every single option.
Doe E. Lion
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I don't understand the desire to cull collections. I get too much enjoyment out of perusing my game shelves. I have an easier time selling books, though I enjoy going through my bookshelves almost as much.
For me, books are even harder to part with. -Just the thought of it... now I need a drink.
Forum Malcontent

Posts: 983
I mock you
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I don't understand the desire to cull collections. I get too much enjoyment out of perusing my game shelves. I have an easier time selling books, though I enjoy going through my bookshelves almost as much.
For me, books are even harder to part with. -Just the thought of it... now I need a drink. I gave almost all of the books that mattered to me to my ex-wife.  I only hope she hasn't gotten rid of them.
Magnificent Bastard
Forum Malcontent

Posts: 448
Tony Clifton's love child
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