Passive Aggressive Gamer
Forum Malcontent

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« on: July 24, 2014, 04:08:32 pm » |
A place for general rants, not necessarily game, gaming or gaming community related.
Drivers that can't be bothered to flick their turn signal when changing lanes or turning bug the ever-loving crap out of me. I can't remember if it has always been this way, or if it is something specific to California drivers (we are the worst drivers, right?), but no one uses their damn signal anymore. Hyperbole alert -- by no one, I mean the vast majority no longer take the 1/2 second and a 1/100 of a joule to flip the turn signal. Maybe they are too busy talking on their cell phones or maybe they are stuffing their face with McDonalds, or maybe it's because they are too damn narcissistic to care about the other drivers on the road.
Magnificent Bastard
Forum Malcontent

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« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2014, 04:10:13 pm » |
I've definitely noticed less and less signalling over here in Lower Canuckistan. It's likely a combination of laziness and narcisissism. Everyone's in their own little bubble.
« Reply #2 on: July 24, 2014, 05:06:04 pm » |
...or if it is something specific to California drivers (we are the worst drivers, right?)... You've obviously never been to Michigan. No fault insurance FTW!!
Forum Curious
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« Reply #3 on: July 24, 2014, 05:31:50 pm » |
Yeah we get this in the UK too, a lot of the time on roundabouts. I know you don't really do roundabouts in the US but if any of you US folk have ever driven in the UK you'll understand the need for clear signalling on those things. It's either no signalling or people in the wrong lane cutting you up as you try to exit. I've yet to brave the Swindon "Magic Roundabout". Any of you fancy driving round this thing:
« Reply #4 on: July 24, 2014, 05:53:06 pm » |
I've yet to brave the Swindon "Magic Roundabout". Any of you fancy driving round this thing:  Why is everyone on the wrong side of the road?
« Reply #5 on: July 24, 2014, 05:56:23 pm » |
We're getting one of these put in. Can't wait for the clusterfuck that will follow...
Forum Malcontent

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« Reply #6 on: July 24, 2014, 05:57:49 pm » |
Yeah we get this in the UK too, a lot of the time on roundabouts. I know you don't really do roundabouts in the US but if any of you US folk have ever driven in the UK you'll understand the need for clear signalling on those things. It's either no signalling or people in the wrong lane cutting you up as you try to exit. I've yet to brave the Swindon "Magic Roundabout". Any of you fancy driving round this thing: worst part is what they do to pedestrian traffic. 
Forum Curious
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« Reply #7 on: July 24, 2014, 06:04:10 pm » |
A place for general rants, not necessarily game, gaming or gaming community related.
Drivers that can't be bothered to flick their turn signal when changing lanes or turning bug the ever-loving crap out of me. I can't remember if it has always been this way, or if it is something specific to California drivers (we are the worst drivers, right?), but no one uses their damn signal anymore. Hyperbole alert -- by no one, I mean the vast majority no longer take the 1/2 second and a 1/100 of a joule to flip the turn signal. Maybe they are too busy talking on their cell phones or maybe they are stuffing their face with McDonalds, or maybe it's because they are too damn narcissistic to care about the other drivers on the road.
Well, I'm the a sshole that tries to block you from coming into his lane when you signal. So I don't signal to keep the initiative when I change lanes. Tactical surprise, bit ch!
Passive Aggressive Gamer
Forum Malcontent

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« Reply #8 on: July 24, 2014, 06:09:15 pm » |
Roundabouts are more efficient. There are a few in Orange County; one in the Orange old town area and one in Irvine. They do seem to confuse people. And by confuse, I mean they inflict mind-numbing terror into some drivers.
If you watch any of the numerous Russian dash cam videos on YouTube, about half the crashes are drivers turning without signaling. (One of my hobbies is to watch 15 minutes of Russian dash cam videos a day.)
Forum Curious
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« Reply #9 on: July 24, 2014, 06:24:31 pm » |
Yeah we get this in the UK too, a lot of the time on roundabouts. I know you don't really do roundabouts in the US but if any of you US folk have ever driven in the UK you'll understand the need for clear signalling on those things. It's either no signalling or people in the wrong lane cutting you up as you try to exit. I've yet to brave the Swindon "Magic Roundabout". Any of you fancy driving round this thing: The. ****. Roundabouts have started to pop up in my are, but that, well, it's something on a whole other level...
Magnificent Bastard
Forum Malcontent

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Forum Malcontent

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I actually love roundabouts. Single lane ones though; multiple lanes create a little too much chaos. I think the formula is
CHAOS = CONFUSION to the (nth power x driver's age)
where n = # of roundabout lanes
The problem is that they confuse the poop out of people here. I once came up to one and had to stop as a car was circling around .... in the opposite direction. Hmmm...
I should have been a pair of ragged claws Scuttling across the floors of silent seas.
- TS Eliot: The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock.
Forum Malcontent

Posts: 104
Fancy Tickled
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PS - I have been trying to think of a rant, but I am so phucking mellow right now man ...
I should have been a pair of ragged claws Scuttling across the floors of silent seas.
- TS Eliot: The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock.
Magnificent Bastard
Forum Malcontent

Posts: 448
Tony Clifton's love child
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My wine glass is empty! The injustice! The inhumanity!
Forum Malcontent

Posts: 104
Fancy Tickled
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Tailgaters. I hate phucking tailgaters. Get off my a$$, you motherphucking twat.  PS - I am starting to hate software that removes socially unacceptable words too. Stop censoring me you judgmental poopheads!
I should have been a pair of ragged claws Scuttling across the floors of silent seas.
- TS Eliot: The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock.