Forum Curious
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« on: July 10, 2014, 01:33:16 pm » |
I know he frustrates Enrico but what is everybody's thoughts on Miranda? I've been enjoying his games. I think Decision Games was awfully lucky to find this guy to helm S&T for so many years.
I loved the Dunnigan wave, his designs have a fun gamey challenge, but this Miranda guy is really trying to emulate the total reality, not a gamey feel but an accurate feel.
Thoughts? I definitely want to hear the criticism though.
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« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2014, 02:04:20 pm » |
I know he frustrates Enrico but what is everybody's thoughts on Miranda? I've been enjoying his games. I think Decision Games was awfully lucky to find this guy to helm S&T for so many years.
I loved the Dunnigan wave, his designs have a fun gamey challenge, but this Miranda guy is really trying to emulate the total reality, not a gamey feel but an accurate feel.
Thoughts? I definitely want to hear the criticism though.
My impression of him is: prolific yet uneven. I have his RCW remake that was published in S&T a little while back, but haven't tried it yet. I hear it's an improvement on the original.
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« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2014, 02:42:38 pm » |
I loved the Dunnigan wave, his designs have a fun gamey challenge, but this Miranda guy is really trying to emulate the total reality, not a gamey feel but an accurate feel.
Somehow, the random events he adds fail me. I LIKE lots of random tables and the like, but his always come up feeling so damned dry to me. I don't dislike everything he's done though - I enjoyed the Russo-Turkish War, and would presumably like his Franco-Prussian design as well. There was something very innovative about that. There are also things I liked about Struggle for Galactic Empire. Still, both these games had that same strange dryness for me.
« Reply #3 on: July 10, 2014, 04:41:20 pm » |
I have a generally favorable opinion of Mirandas games.
« Reply #4 on: July 10, 2014, 05:30:33 pm » |
I'm not sure I've ever played one of his games....
Forum Malcontent

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« Reply #5 on: July 10, 2014, 11:25:19 pm » |
The only game I have is The American Revolution: Decision in North America, which I nabbed on Bill's recommendation somewhere. Haven't played it yet, but looks cool. Lotsa niggly little errors, but those are probably due to the magazine publishing... I'm guessing that S&T has more misses than hits.
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« Reply #6 on: July 11, 2014, 12:00:14 am » |
Lotsa niggly little errors, but those are probably due to the magazine publishing... I'm guessing that S&T has more misses than hits.
This may be what informed a lot of my feeling about Mr. Miranda. Struggle for Galactic Empire may be the only game of his that wasn't a magazine issue which I've played.
I can't wait to play that ... someday...
Forum Curious
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« Reply #7 on: July 11, 2014, 07:59:21 am » |
Wait ... he does more than magazine games? I'm impressed by the output, but the quality (secondhanded here) is inconsistent. I'm too lazy to try to figure out which ones are winners and which are losers.
Forum Curious
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« Reply #8 on: July 11, 2014, 01:34:47 pm » |
I like that almost all of his games are magazine games. he's dedicated his career to this format. And all that I've played so far are very solid historically. Obviously with magazine games there can be a lack of errata, or where to find errata if problems arise so some hiccups do need house rules, but I'm okay with that
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« Reply #9 on: July 14, 2014, 07:32:21 pm » |
He really needs to cut way back or stop. I have stopped purchasing anything with his name on it and now Decision as well after they released Brian Train's Greek Civil War with Joe's broken ruleset (that he keeps shoe horning everything into) and didn't even tell Brian they were doing it (he released his original rules that had been corrected for the issue).
The battle that broke out over at CSW a little while back even brought Doc in saying that he is notorious for turning in too big of a design at the last minute and then they have to whack parts off to make it fit. (This has been going on since Nicaragua! - there's not enough counters to play the game and you are told to make more...now think about when that game was published)
I could do a blow by blow from my own shelves but needless to say I will not buy another thing with his name on it. His only moment of clarity has been 'Operation Anaconda' and that was excellent. But if you see the words 'Hyperwar' or 'Netwar' or that a game is using the system from Decision: Iraq I would steer clear of it...
And I mean the games are so broken that they are missing parts, rule sets to the wrong game (the release of 'Holy Land' is known out in the scene as 'Holy F***' - that was when he finally snapped on a customer on CSW and DG had to step in and cool things off).
Fancy Lad
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I don't dislike everything he's done though - I enjoyed the Russo-Turkish War, and would presumably like his Franco-Prussian design as well. There was something very innovative about that.
I don't think I've played any Miranda games - but I do have his Franco-Prussian War game. I need to get that on the table.
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I don't dislike everything he's done though - I enjoyed the Russo-Turkish War, and would presumably like his Franco-Prussian design as well. There was something very innovative about that.
I don't think I've played any Miranda games - but I do have his Franco-Prussian War game. I need to get that on the table. He's done more than one. I'd suggest staying clear of the VPG one.
Fancy Lad
Forum Malcontent

Posts: 107
Tell you what, Smithers- have him beaten to a pulp
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I don't dislike everything he's done though - I enjoyed the Russo-Turkish War, and would presumably like his Franco-Prussian design as well. There was something very innovative about that.
I don't think I've played any Miranda games - but I do have his Franco-Prussian War game. I need to get that on the table. He's done more than one. I'd suggest staying clear of the VPG one. Yeah, I have the S&T Wars of the Imperial Age one. I guess the Russo-Turkish War is the other in that "series"? Kind of weird seeing a magazine title as part of a series, but it's right there on the rules!
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Forum Malcontent

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I don't dislike everything he's done though - I enjoyed the Russo-Turkish War, and would presumably like his Franco-Prussian design as well. There was something very innovative about that.
I don't think I've played any Miranda games - but I do have his Franco-Prussian War game. I need to get that on the table. He's done more than one. I'd suggest staying clear of the VPG one. Yeah, I have the S&T Wars of the Imperial Age one. I guess the Russo-Turkish War is the other in that "series"? Kind of weird seeing a magazine title as part of a series, but it's right there on the rules! SPI did it a lot actually. I really liked aspects of Russo-Turkish. To tell the truth, I liked aspects of the VPG game, but the offensive potential to cross rivers just grated my teeth too hard.
Eric Brosius
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I've enjoyed seeing how he approaches game design. He gave what appears to be his first wargaming interview in a long time on the most recent episode of Guns, Dice & Butter, and I thought it was one of the best segments I've heard on a podcast.